The article I read is called “Got Milk? Roach milk could be a new superfood” by Dinsa Sachan. The article is mainly about how scientists have studied a specific type of cockroach, the Pacific beetle cockroach, and have discovered that it could contain a type of milk. This cockroach species is the only one that’s viviparous, which means that it gives birth to live young. The cockroach uses the milk-like liquid to feed the babies before they are born. That milk contains special crystals that are located in the guts of cockroach embryos, which are full of protein. These crystals were first discovered back in 2004 by Subramanian Ramaswamy, who was studying at the University of Iowa in Iowa City. To learn
had formed, they were collected by vacuum filtration and weighed. A small amount of the crystals were no weighed due to a lack of toluene with which to rinse the 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask of the last of the crystals.
In the book called Spilled Milk, it talks about a little girl her name is Brooke. She lives in New York with her dad, mom, bother, and sisters. Brooke has kept a secret. The secret was that she had been sexually abused by her father, from a young child to about the age of sixteen. The act of being sexually abused by her father is terrible. Brooke also, took more abuse in the effort to stop her father from abusing her siblings. All her life she knew something was off about her dad and didn’t understand why until she realized she was being abused. Brooke’s mother read Brooke’s journal about the problems that her and her siblings were having. She made a promise to Brooke to try to help.
This is a relatively new mineral found in the world. “Benitoite is sometimes called the "blue diamond." In the early 20th century is was first found in a California river known as the Benito River. The people that discovered it thought it was a sapphire or a diamond. Just looking a Benitoite gemstone, it would be easy to get them confused. Earth has many kinds of rocks and minerals but this gemstone is the rarest of the rare.
During the Cold War, the Soviets were trying to spread communism throughout Europe and Asia by exalting its achievements, and undermining democracy. Part of their approach was by launching ‘Hate-America’ propaganda. “As the Cold War intensified, the Truman administration launched an aggressive “Campaign of Truth” […] to counter the Soviet Union propaganda machine (Ubah, 2012).” The Campaign of Truth was created to help convince the world that the United States has “no purpose of going to war, except in the defense of freedom. (Vaccaro, 1950)” Truman encouraged the media to show the world that the United States was ‘wholly dedicated to the cause of peace (Vaccaro,
Harvey Milk was one of the first openly gay officials in the U.S in 1977 who was unjustly assassinated because of jealousy and his lifestyle;however, others that disagree with his choices think he deserved to die. Harvey Milk was murdered do to political reasons and differences in opinion. Some people argue that he was murdered instead of assassinated.
It's not easy to stand up against traditional views. But when someone does, people take notice. American politician and gay rights activist Harvey Milk is an example of this. Frequently called the gay Martin Luther King, he was the first openly gay city commissioner in America. He discussed state and national affairs affecting gays and was a leader of the gay community in San Francisco. In addition, he was posthumously given the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009. Milk challenged traditional gay leadership and inspired hope in adults as well as children who were LGBTQ+.
After much thought about what I would want to for my volunteer project, I finally settled on the “Feed the Homeless” campaign organized by the Southwest Rotary Club of Las Vegas. This experience allowed me to work with the fantastic organization, Rotary International, and has given me the opportunity to better myself, both personally and professionally, through working with great people and overcoming the challenges presented to me.
In the fast paced world of today, advertisers have to keep up with the times. One of the best ways they do this is through the Got Milk ads. Milk is a part of everyday life and the advertisers for Milk show this through modern tactics and popular celebrities. By putting familiar faces on magazine ads and using interesting T.V. commercials, companies sell their products. The ways in which they sell the products is not by just stating that their product is good, they appeal to the human emotions, ethics and most of all what is logical. There are many ad campaigns out there that strongly target one area, such as your emotions, but the Got Milk advertisers campaign has all three of these factors.
“Milk” is a Biographical Film, directed by Van Gus Sant, and released on October 28, 2008. It is based on gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk. The film starts off with an old footage of police raiding gay bars and arresting patrons during the 50s and 60s, which is then followed by Dianne Feinstein’s announcement stating that Harvey Milk, who is played by Sean Penn, and Mayor George Moscone, played by Victor Garber, had been assassinated. Harvey starts out in San Francisco’s Castro district as a small business owner who witnesses the pursuit of gay men and becomes a strong proponent for LGBT rights. Homosexuals were often beaten up and harassed in the streets, this pushed Harvey to run as City Supervisor.
Superheroes are great for advertisements (ads) because they are more effective. For example, Monster Beverage Incorporation decided to use the Hulk for their product Monster Energy, while Got Milk? Campaign used Fantastic four to encourage people to drink milk. This all started when both companies were both at its lowest peak. One day my family and I went to the grocery store to buy milk. Just as I grabbed the milk, Hulk started to rush towards me and yelled in a horrifying voice,
The 2008 film Milk is based on a true story about a political leader who desired to see a change in America, specifically the freedom of choice and speech towards homosexuals. The motion picture takes place after Harvey Milk’s 40th birthday and captures the rest of his life as he strives to convince America to let the gay community out of the closet. The movie portrays the historical activist very well, including the surrounding characters as well as the actual events that took place during his time in office.
Harvey Milk said, “If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.”(Aretha 83). Harvey Milk was the first gay politician that moved people’s hearts. He changed the way people thought about gay people back in the 1970’s. Defending homosexuals from criticism, he civilized them with the people. Since the background of homosexuality was harsh which affected Harvey Milk’s early life, he took the action to process of becoming civilized as an officer, and he left many legacies.
Throughout ancient history, one can find many different examples of civilization, each with different geography, political systems, and cultures. Although many of these empires were prominent and influential, one could argue that the two most contrasting, impactful civilizations were perhaps Egypt and Mesopotamia. These two empires had entirely different circumstances in terms of the land they were erected on, the peoples both in the land and surrounding it, and the social customs that developed. However, in spite of the wildly differing conditions, both Egypt and Mesopotamia were able to develop in such a way that the two cultures were both in a position to leave behind impactful legacies that still influence the world today. Before one considers how Egypt and Mesopotamia differ socially and politically, one must first understand the different geographies that drove
Illegal immigration is a burden on Americas society because illegal immigrants work here, which is good for them, but they send that money back to the country they are from, which takes money from our economy.
Civil Rights activist Harvey Milk was praised by many, and was influential to the LBGT community while it wasn’t accepted by many, Milk has plenty of characteristics that make him an over all an amazing leader: Courage, integrity, along with served justice. Harvey Milk lived up to being a good leader until his very last day.