
Got to Get You Into My Life: Do Brand Personalities Rub Off on Consumers? Jcr Report

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Title: “Got to Get You into My Life: Do Brand Personalities Rub off on Consumers?”
Authors: Ji Kyung Park, Deborah Roedder John
This report is a study of brand personalities and how they can “rub off” on their consumers. This is how the consumer perceives themselves after they use that brand. This article is important because it shows how a brand can affect the consumer. If a brand can capture a personality of a certain person, the more likely that person will stick with that brand. Brand loyalty is a very important aspect of marketing and can produce a lot of good for the brand. Even though this may seem natural, what if a consumer was to start using a new brand of products? Would their personality match the products they use or …show more content…

MIT pen would invoke Entity Theorists that it’s associated with hard work and intelligence. Among Incremental theorists, it did not affect self-perceptions on these traits. Twenty three students were asked to select five personality traits from a set of forty two that they would associate MIT with. Four personality traits were recorded most frequently: intelligent, technical, hardworking, and leader. The remaining options were recorded by less than 50% of the students. They also asked questions to ensure that MIT was appealing to the students. The results were that students admired MIT more than their own university. For the procedure they asked seventy four MBA students from two marketing classes to participate in helping the bookstore choose a new selection of pens. Thirty nine students participated in the MIT brand experience and thirty five participated in the no MIT brand experience in respective semesters since they had to use the pen they chose for six weeks. In the MIT experience, they were given the option to choose between a nice pen branded with MIT and other pens branded with less prestigious schools. In the no MIT experience they chose between two Pilot pens and a Uni Ball pen.

Results for the study mirrored the study of the previous example with the shopping bags. Students were asked using a Likert scale to identify their personality traits. These were measured before and after pen usage. After the test,

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