
Gothic Horror In The Judges House By Bram Stoker

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In modern society, people tend to enjoy terrifying and horrific films and novels because of the anticipation and thrill of the character’s fear, in which they are not aware of. One of these common and popular genres is known as Gothic Horror. Although this entertainment is common in our society today, in past time periods, it was written during a mass transition. The age’s in which there are religious, cultural, and technological advances and changes, is a particular time when novels in this genre come to light. People are typically not comfortable with change, which is why these transitional times can cause anxiety, in which causes novels in this genre to be written. The short story, The Judges House, written by Bram Stoker is properly categorized …show more content…

Growing up, Malcolm lived in a city area but wanted to travel to a more secluded and quiet town to escape the hectic and distracting environment so he can properly continue his studies. This is when he was introduced to The Judges House. “It is too bad of me, sir, and you -- and a young gentleman, too -- if you will pardon me saying it, going to live there all alone. If you were my boy -- and you'll excuse me for saying it -- you wouldn't sleep there a night, not if I had to go there myself and pull the big alarm bell that's on the roof!" ( Stoker ). Mr. Cranford, the local real estate agent, recommended this mysterious house, but was warned by the landlady to stay clear, but the attractiveness of the quiet environment clouded Malcolm’s judgement. He also observes the behavior of the landlady while having their conversation about the house, but still ignored her warnings and proceeded to purchase the home. When he moves in, he discovers many strange things such as the landlady told him, "I'll tell you what it is, sir," she said, "bogies is all kinds and sorts of things -- except bogies! Rats and mice, and beetles and creaky doors, and loose slates, and broken panes, and stiff drawer handles, that stay out when you pull them and then fall down in the middle of the night. Look at the wainscot of the room! It is old -- hundreds of years old! Do you …show more content…

As Malcolm enjoys the quiet and isolation of the home, he immediately starts to hear the noises of the rats, interrupting his peace, but then finds comfort that it is something he has not experienced. As the lamp became brighter, the rats noise increased which began to interrupt him studying, in which he declared they became a nuisance. He started to taunt and jolt at the rats to see if they would go away, but the rats either would not feel intimidated, run up the rope, or into the darkness of house. In efforts to scare away the rats, Malcolm began to throw books he had near him, most of which were mathematics textbooks. “...the book flew and struck the rat a resounding blow. It gave a terrified squeak, and turning on his pursuer a look of terrible malevolence, ran up the chair- back and made a great jump to the rope of the alarm bell and ran up it like lightning.” (Stoker) Despite his efforts the rat would not scur away, until one book appeared to scare and injure the rat. Malcolm discovered it was the bible, in which he noticed the only book that affected the rats had a religious and spiritual meaning. "The Bible my mother gave me! What an odd coincidence." (Stocker). Malcolm even acknowledged this significant sign about the rats behavior, but continued to dismiss all of warnings about the house, which led to his

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