
Gothic Subcultures

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Goth and Emo tend to be used interchangeably as synonyms for one another. Usually classified under labeling people who dress in black and have a negative outlook through life, many people find it difficult to distinguish the difference between the two subcultures. Paul Hodkinson, sociologist and a goth himself, admits that goth and emo are “not easy groups to define.” Although both music-based scenes share similar characteristics including drawing to dark themes and consciously rejecting the mainstream, these two subcultures are entirely separate from one another, from its structural context to lifestyle to its significance These nuances of similarity and differences is what makes these two groups subcultures entirely of its own. Gothic as a genre is concerned with the past, which is conveyed through both historical settings and narrative interruptions of the past into the present. The word “Gothic” has a long usage, with its origins linked back to the northern European peoples who sacked Rome in the fifth century AD. The term re-emerged in the seventeenth century in Britain as a style of architecture, in which it ignores the clean lines and curves of Classical styles with pointed arches, …show more content…

during the mid-1980s when started the subculture when they distanced away from the punk scene and put the focus more on the music and lyrics of personal pain and suffering rather than attitude. It emerged from its punk rock roots to include themes of rebellion, disdain for authority, and rejection of the mainstream. The emo movement further expanded to other areas of the country to include small local bands with a loyal following until 1999 when the Vagrant Records signed the Emo band Jawbreakers, where the record industry took notice. It later has expanded and evolved into two different groups within the subculture due to the mass media and

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