
Gothic Subgenres

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There are over a hundred different types of genres and subgenres that have been created throughout the years. Writers have been trying to attract all kinds of readers by creating new types of genres. One genre that has many different subgenres is the Romantic movement. This movement has been around for centuries and is beloved by many people. Both the gothic and regency genres fall under the Romantic movement. However, the two types of novels are extremely different from each other but do have some of the same elements. The first difference between the two novels is when they were written. In 1764, The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole was written. This is considered the first gothic novel of its times. While the first regency novel was …show more content…

In the gothic subgenre, they make use of old and ruined castles or manors. However, in the regency subgenre they use extravagant and expensive manors as their setting. The regency shows you what it was like to be in the upper class and the benefits of it as well. Regency novels typically described beautiful mansions that housed fancy balls and many priceless treasures as well. The gothic novel is the exact opposite of the regency in this aspect. They typically used ruined and destroyed castles as their settings. Also, within these castles they had many trapdoors and secret passages. The whole place just had this atmosphere of horror and suspense about it. One other thing that is different between the two genres is the aspect of the supernatural. Many gothic novels use the existence of vampires, ghosts, and other creatures from hell. For example, Frankenstein and Dracula both use monsters as the main characters of the book. Both of these books use creatures that are not real while the regency does not. The regency novel is realistic fiction focusing on the daily life of high class society. The two novels both differ in the field of the supernatural. Monsters are not the only supernatural type that the gothic novel used. They also made use of

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