
Government Contracting Out Healthcare Services

Decent Essays

Government contracting out healthcare services in developing countries

Drifting from direct government control to contracting out has become a communal procedure matter in many developing countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the proposed partnership between private and public health systems may allow government funded health-care services to be more accountable, transparent and efficient. The ideology behind contracting out suggests there are many advantages in combining public finance with private provision. Most believe contracting out increases work quality through innovation, particularly duties that are easily measured. However, practical issues exist when there is no competition with potential contractors, without competition this may reduce the cap of productivity. When government agencies cut the labor force to stay under budget, as a result citizens suffers from over worked administrators whom neglect their duties due to their lack of passion for the job. Cases of government contracting out will illustrate both government benefits and contractual opportunism.
The Government is face with the responsibility of delivering healthcare services to its citizens no matter what their socio-economic statuses are. In the middle and low-income countries, contracting out would be able to improve the availability, efficiency, and quality of healthcare delivery. In response to the needs of the people, the government aims to contracting out primary health

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