
Government Control In Robert Gross's The Minuteman And Their World

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One theme of Robert Gross’s book The Minuteman and Their World is restricted government control. The government had control over anything that happened within their town borders. They hired a specific minister to preach in the town meeting house and strongly urged attendance at the sermons. They controlled public uses of private property, from stating where the location of slaughterhouses and tanneries could be to the quality of bread that was sold at the market. Also, they gave equal care to the ethical conduct of its colonists. No New England colony could get away from political conflict due to the town government affecting so much of their daily lives. New Englanders thought society was composed of ranks and classes. They thought the …show more content…

The townsmen did this because it created an ideal community. However, this did not eliminate the facts of private desires and group animosity from social life. The majority of political conflict in Pre-Revolutionary Concord came from the growth of its population. Concord was loyal to the King and did not push for independence during most of its existence under the Crown. However, in 1765 when the Stamp Act, which set a bizarre direct tax on virtually every piece of public paper, was passed it outraged the American colonists. They protested and boycotted British imports until Parliament repealed the stamp duty. Parliament then announced the Declaratory Act (1766) that stated its power to legislate for the colonies “in all cases whatsoever” (43). In 1767, Parliament enacted Chancellor of the the Exchequer Charles Townshend’s duties on all lead, glass, paper, paint and tea improvident the colonies (43-44). This once again upset the Americans, their hostility grew not only towards the taxes, but to the intended use of the money to strengthen British influence over provincial governments. This started another intercolonial boycott of British goods. In 1768, Britain stationed troops in the town which led to the Boston Massacre two years later. Parliament

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