
Government Control In The Hunger Games

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Does the government the government seem to take control of to many aspects of our daily lives or is pretty fair balanced? In the city of Panem the government runs things a lot differently than the way we do today. Although the setting of the book The Hunger Games, is set somewhere in the near future there are still many things that the government is doing that relates a lot to what we are doing today. The Capitol, where the central government is located, regulates the whole country by use of segregation, constant surveillance and constant control over their citizens. Around the world today nothing can go said that isn’t being recorded or videoed on some sort of electronic device, whether it be a cell phone, video camera, or a surveillance camera. In The Hunger …show more content…

Jabberjays “were homing birds, exclusively male, that were released into regions where the Capitol's enemies were known to be hiding. After the birds gathered words, they'd fly back to centers to be recorded” (Collins 40). These seem similar to recording devices that can be planted into houses or cars to translate what is being said and later given to people who feel the information is important. With the jabberjays being so similar to equipment we have now days, nothing can go unsaid that isn’t going to be heard later. That being said, not only does the Capitol survey all 12 districts through the use of recorders but they also have the means to do it by the sky. “It didn't make a sound, but they saw it. A net dropped down on the girl and carried her up, fast, so fast like the elevator. They shot some sort of spear through the boy” (78). In addition to jabberjays, have hovercrafts that survey ground activity from the sky to make sure there is no stealing, homicides, or any such

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