
Governmental Non for Profit Accounting Chapter 2 Quiz Essay

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Chapter 02 - Principles of Accounting and Financial Reporting for State and Local 11. The accounting system used by a state or local government must make it possible A. To present fairly the financial position and results of financial operations of the government as a whole, as well as fund financial activity in conformity with GAAP, and to demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal and contractual provisions. 12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a fund as defined by GASB standards? C. A segregated quantity of cash and other financial resources on deposit with a designated trustee. 13. In accounting for state and local governments the modified accrual basis is required for B. Governmental funds only. 14. Under the …show more content…

24. Which of the following funds would be used to account for an activity that provides centralized purchasing and sales of goods or services to other departments or agencies of the governmental, or to other governments, on a cost-reimbursement basis? C. Internal service fund. 25. Budgetary comparison schedules presenting budgeted versus actual revenues and expenditures are C. Required by GAAP for the General Fund and major special revenue funds for which an annual budget has been legally adopted. 26. In which of the following funds would it not be appropriate to record depreciation of capital assets? A. Special revenue fund. 27. Capital assets used by departments accounted for by the General Fund of a governmental unit should be accounted for in B. The governmental activities journal. 28. Reporting fund financial information in separate columns for each major fund and aggregate information for nonmajor funds D. Is required by generally accepted accounting principles for state and local governments. 29. Capital assets used by an enterprise fund should be accounted for in the A. Enterprise fund and depreciation on the capital assets should be recorded. 30. Which of the following funds are proprietary funds? B. Enterprise funds and internal service funds. 31. Which of the following funds are governmental funds? C. General Fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and permanent funds. 32. The activities of a water utility

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