

Decent Essays
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5. Gozdziak, E. M. (2008). On challenges, dilemmas, and opportunities in studying trafficked children. Anthropological Quarterly, 81 (4), 903- 923. The Gozdziak (2008) article is a peer-reviewed examination of children’s experiences that have been trafficked domestically. The analytical nature of the study was to derive policy and programmatic reference that can lead to absolution of trafficking through prevention, safeguards, and legal prosecution of traffickers (Gozdziak, 2008). Through the use of empirical research the ambiguous range of the problem can be addressed expansively through an evidence-based foundation. In recognizing a need for research for interventions, this article offers the necessary groundwork, but this examination is …show more content…

By being able to dissect global migration and associated controversies there is an opportunity to work through and curtail the journey of the movement (Jones, Engstrom, Hilliard, & Diaz, 2007). There is a consideration of vulnerabilities and susceptibilities that globalization offers to the global community with domestic repercussions. The global perspective is suggested as a defining need and strategy in order to address human trafficking, while offering an explanation that is well thought out and supported. Inclusion of addressing recruitment would have bolstered a strong foundation and argument amidst the complexity of the sex trade. However the deficit, the article provides a substantive understanding on how globalization affects human trafficking. 7. Jordan, J., Patel, B., & Rapp, L. (2013). Domestic minor sex trafficking: A social work perspective on misidentification, victims, buyers, traffickers, treatment, and reform of current practice. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 23 (3), 356- …show more content…

There is careful consideration to work within the legal definitions and address perspectives that are correct or are misconstrued. There is a correlation and explanation of supply and demand, which lends itself to complexities that challenge core values and recognize the capital cultivating aspect of the trade. Additionally, challenging are fallacies of victims as criminals, this is explored within individual practice and institutional regard in order eradicate misconceptions and advocate for relevant policy (Kotrla, 2010). The article explores the normalization of incorrect perspectives and need of advocacy, education, and research to be the path leading to actualization of social work responsiveness to change. The article identifies how other countries have addressed the needs and offered changes that have proven to be successful. The acute need within our communities is presented in such a manner that offers resolution through identified means and modeling

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