
Grace's Bradshaw Wand: Dogwood

Satisfactory Essays

Grace’s Bradshaw wand is perfect suited best for her it is made of dogwood and a core of dragons . Her wood is dogwood. Dog wood is fun and, grace likes to be fun and silly. Dogwood is entertaining and grace always love to talk and entertain her friends. Dogwood is also good because she likes to talk a lot and loud. Grace's love magic. Grace is cleaver. Graces length is 8 inches long. Graces wand is flexibly. Graces is very flexibly because if some changes planes than she knows it is not the end of the world. Graces core is dragons. She has the most power and likes to be in charge. Grace’s wand is perfect for. It means everything she has. Grace’s wand was very hard to choose. Her wand is her wand and nobody else has a wand like hers.

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