I was wondering if you would help me achieve my goal of graduating early. My reason for wanting to graduate early is so I can start my college experience earlier. I want to attend James Madison University and get a business degree. I am willing to do whatever I have to for this to happen. I have two credits from middle school from Algebra and French 1 and the eight credits over three years by my Junior I can graduate with a standard diploma.
Long term goal: Graduate Timken Early College High School(TECHS) with an Associates degree from Stark State College in four years. (Including freshman year).
My main goal is getting my diploma at Cuba Senior High School. Because of circumstances throughout my life out of my control, graduating early would influence me from multiple points of view. The reasons I need to graduate early, due to personal issues surrounding my mother and her actions. It affects me in school emotionally due to small town gossip. I need to become self supportive and maintain full time employment to support myself. After securing living arrangements, I plan to attend Spoon River College and earn my prerequisites for Nursing. I know I am capable of completing all my required schoolwork.
My post secondary goals are astonishingly important to me because they ultimately shape my life and future career I wish to pursue. There are countless goals that I not only yearn to accomplish, but aspire to accomplish. My plans for my post secondary education is to attend a four year university to earn a bachelor's degree. From there I plan to attend medical school to work directly towards becoming an emergency physician. This internship will aid me in achieving my goals as It will grant me the opportunity to have background foundational information about the medical field, moreover consequently permitting the gain of familiarity of a health care provider career. If granted the opportunity the internship can teach me varies skills and abilities
Many people have an easy road to get a higher education, many don’t because we all come from different culture, society, and social class. Also, the general public has their own complications in their life. Unfortunately, money is the biggest problem that almost all people have to face and during their college life, it is hard for students to manage money for tuition fees, bills, and for the food and shelter. “Community College Students Face a Very Long Road to Graduation” is an article written by Ginia Bellafante and published by The New York Time on October 3, 2014. In the article, Bellafante has written about the LaGurdia Community College student, Vladimir de Jesus academic life and also talks about why Community Colleges have low graduation rate.
Students who graduate early has an unlikely chance to survive in the real world, Reality well hit them in the face and they won’t have the opportunity to rise up and make a difference in their self if the graduate early.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” recited Eleanor Roosevelt. Why is it that some high schoolers want to graduate early? Are there any benefits to the advancement position at which some high schoolers would like to achieve by graduating early? The answer to that question is yes! There are so many great opportunities for those students who want to progress with life quicker and hopefully more accomplished. Early graduation can offer high school students and families a more stable and helpful financial environment. By applying such help and guidance to one 's life, it can enable a student to secure a well put together future for oneself and have a higher chance of success. Another benefit of early
From a young age I have been taught that education is a tool and an opportunity that not many get the option of acquiring during their lifetime. Originally , It was not in my plans to graduate early so when I found out about the great news I felt very proud of all my small accomplishments that led up to this. Finding out that I had enough credits in order to graduate early was honorable. Even though there are still a few arrangements that need to be done like taking the ACT or SAT, I believe that with the help of my counselor I will be able to succeed. Being enrolled in the CNA - One semester program at the Peoria Tech campus is my first step into the career force. Upon completion of this course, Tech places students in a clinic/hospice to
Education has always been a major part of my life. While growing up, I always knew that I would graduate from high school and then continue my education in college. That has always been my plan and now I am making it a reality by attending college here at Utah State University. There are many reasons as to why I am here. The first reason would have to be that I made a goal when I was younger that I would attend college. I am very dedicated to any kind of goal that I make and going to college to pursue a career that required a higher education has always been a dream of mine. I like a challenge and I feel that not just anyone can come to college. Those who attend college need to have the right mindset to have the motivation and dedication
Coming from Cuba to The United States of America was a dream; however, a nightmare as well. I came to live to Miami when I was nine years old during fourth grade. My family constantly told me to study hard to be able to graduate from high school and go to college. In addition, learning a new culture, language, and educational system was tough for me. High-school graduation was my main goal to reach since I came to this country; yet, I had a long pathway to walk and full of challenges.
My first collegiate academic goal is: I will earn at least an 80 percent on my first biology and statistics exams. Being that I truly love both math and science, receiving superb grades on my first exam for these two are extremely important to me because they are hand-and-hand at placing for the second hardest classes thus far in college (in my personal opinion). Achieving this enabling goal would motivate me to strive for higher grades in the near future, helping me believe that I could do much better in order to attain a great GPA, so that I could get into medical school after receiving my undergraduate degree. Practicing my study habits will construct the permanent foundation of how I progress as a college student. How will I do so? The first action step that will be made to reach this goal is to sit in the front of the classroom. I get easily distracted, so sitting in the front of the classroom, especially one with 254 students, will not only decrease the chances of me getting distracted, but will ensure that the information has properly been withheld. Also, recording lectures to review later and rewriting notes are great methods that will definitely be beneficial to me when studying for exams. Next, if there is not enough time to meet up with the professor, I will sign up for various tutoring/office-hour sessions to review homework and basic concepts that are needed to pass the exams with a guaranteed good grade. On this journey called life, I continue to learn more and
Growing up, I had such big hopes and dreams for myself. As a child, I always aspired to be a teacher because I loved telling people what to do and taking charge. I am the oldest child and would always have to help my brother with his homework and teach him how to do things around the house. I remember how I enjoy quizzing him for his spelling tests. Unfortunately, life did not go as planned and I ended up taking the wrong path in life. However, 13 years and 3 kids later I decided to return to college.
To begin, going to this college would mean hope for me. A way out of the life that I was born into. It also would mean a chance to make a difference in my community and in my life. Also it would mean a way to better myself and my families lives. I just want to be great and excel in what i want to do in life, i want to be great and I plan to work my hardest to achieve my goals.
This idea of experience surprisingly goes hand in hand with graduating on time and here is why. Colleges everywhere are pushing for four-year graduation timelines. The faster a university can churn out diplomas the better. In fact, some states like Florida even have laws where if a student goes above a certain number of credit hours the student then has to the out of state tuition regardless of residential status. So this combined with needing experience and having a stellar GPA and getting out of the university on time one really has to wonder when students have time to relax and just have fun.
The final portion of the model requires two years at a four-year university. At this stage, it is imperative to see what factors may be helping or hindering students’ advancement towards a baccalaureate, since some ECHS students tend to deviate from the six-year model at the undergraduate level. These students may choose a different pathway due to various reasons: i.e. changing major, taking a semester off, and not graduating with an associate’s degree as a junior in high school (requiring more time to complete a baccalaureate degree). The research done in this paper will begin to focus on the dependent variable of college graduation, with the goal of identifying the variables that may hinder or increase the odds of obtaining a baccalaureate
After graduation my ideal plan would be to go into an industry career. I want to get into an engineering-related job first to provide myself with some experience in that aspect of the field. I want to be selective in choosing the company that I begin my career with. I want to ensure that the company that I choose has a program related that aids in helping their employees get advanced degrees. During my first year in my career I want