Accomplishment Graduating from high school is not an easy task, it could be a struggle academically and socially. By graduating high school, I learned that if I stay focused and determined I would be able to make it through college and life. Graduating from high school can provide many opportunities it can affect people in different ways. Graduating high school can allow students the ability to get a job, the chance to go to college, and it can positively impact self-esteem. Graduating high school can provide additional opportunities that wouldn't be available without a high school diploma. The first effect of graduating high school is the ability to get a job. Many employers want people to have a high school diploma to apply for a job and let alone be considered for a position. Having a high school diploma when applying for a job can give you advantages over the other applicants. Obtaining a high school diploma prior to employment can also provide me with the ability to ask for higher pay or even apply for an advanced position. Gaining as much education as possible can lead to better financial success. The second effect of graduating high school is the ability to go to …show more content…
The mental and emotional benefits of graduating high school are countless. Graduating high school gave me the self-esteem needed to succeed at other things in life. For example, attending college and applying for a job. Having a high self-esteem after graduating from high school gave me the confidence needed to apply for and attend college. Having a good self-esteem is important as you become an adult. Additionally, it can help with social interactions while away at college or on a job site. Low self-esteem can lead to poor academic performance, a good attitude and emotional well-being are crucial to academic achievement. Having positive self-esteem, makes me feel that I have useful skills that I can offer to my peers and
Completion of a college degree does matter. Adult-students who complete their college degree have greater self-esteem, have open-minded views, have greater critical thinking, have more direction toward learning, and have a greater interest to learn new interests. The economic pay-off of a college education does give instant gratification it’s more of a long term gratification.
Many jobs that one would get right out of high school are usually labor intensive or just not ideal conditions. These jobs include being the grunt worker for a construction company, working on a farm, or being a janitor. These job might not be terrible, but someone who does these would eventually become tired of their working environment. Having a college degree will typically end in having a more enjoyable job. Jobs like teaching, nursing, engineering, and accounting are all professions that require some sort of college degree and are considered nicer jobs with a better work environment. College will help students get a better job, but it will also make that student more prepared for adult
Also, you could find out what you really wanna do with your life. Going to college after high school you will know what career you want you want pursue. Unlike not going to college and your confused unless you want to go to the military or you want to work at target for the rest of your life. Then hopefully going to college will make you more responsible about your classes and grades so you can be in the job you want. Going to college will also make you more focused as a person because you will want to get a right start on your
It makes students more mature which will help students be more responsible, as well as an independent adult. College can be very fun but it is also a major accomplishment in life if student put their best in their work. College can influence other student’s family, even their children. High education parents can also use their social capital to promote their children’s development. College will provide a better job with higher earnings, more job opportunities, greater benefits, and job satisfaction. College degree can increase your earning, you’re more likely to earn more money throughout your career than if only have a high school diploma.
Early mornings, homework, tests, and grades can be exhausting and stressful, and makes school less enjoyable for a countless number of people. Completing high school is important. Instead of earning a high school diploma some people will get their GED. Earning a high school diploma is better than getting a GED because a diploma increases opportunities for employment, college acceptance, and deeper knowledge. Earning a high school diploma increases opportunities for employment.
When students graduate from high school. They feel that they don 't need to pursue a four year college degree. High school graduates may feel happy with just a diploma. When students graduate also feel that it may be wasteful, and not expand their career choices and their financial outlook. High school graduates feel they have enough social skills to interact into today 's society. They may just settle for less.
After students expand their knowledge in college and receive a degree they have greater odds of finding a higher paying, more desirable job or career. The degree a student obtains while in college will help him or her have more success once they have graduated. Having a college degree offers a competitive edge against others.
A high school diploma is extremely important to my future for several reasons. I intend to go to college, and virtually all post-secondary institutions, colleges and universities require a high school diploma or GED to attend. I want to earn more income, and the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that a person with a high school diploma will earn almost $10,000 more per year. I want to have a challenging job, and a diploma will offer me more career opportunities as a degree shows employers a higher level of deductive reasoning and problem-solving skills. I hope to remain employed throughout my lifetime, and studies have shown that many employers will not even consider a candidate that does not possess a high school diploma. Increasing my education
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” recited Eleanor Roosevelt. Why is it that some high schoolers want to graduate early? Are there any benefits to the advancement position at which some high schoolers would like to achieve by graduating early? The answer to that question is yes! There are so many great opportunities for those students who want to progress with life quicker and hopefully more accomplished. Early graduation can offer high school students and families a more stable and helpful financial environment. By applying such help and guidance to one 's life, it can enable a student to secure a well put together future for oneself and have a higher chance of success. Another benefit of early
If a high school wants to go to college, a high school diploma is needed. Also, if a person does not go to college after high school, he or she is still eligible to go to college later in life. A high school diploma will help a person make more than minimum wage as well as give opportunities for raises and promotions. Students are taught to write, figure out math equations, and discipline study habits. These method will help a person in the future when he or she is presented an opportunity. For example, a person who wants a job needs to write an essay about their personality. Graduates will have the basic training on how to write the perfect essay and nail their job interviews!
The actions that are made following High School are huge and they greatly impact the future of your life. We can attend college, enlist in the military, or go straight into the workforce. We have a plethora of options after High School. Attending college is more suitable for me than going straight into the workforce.
In today’s’ society, success is often measured by academic and professional achievement. Higher education provides more opportunity and freedom. Statistics verify that generally, the more highly educated have higher earnings and there is a significant difference between wages earned by employees with College degrees and those without. Higher education is often perceived as a means to a ‘better life’ .Though many recognize the benefits of higher education, the rate at which students leave in their first year of College is still very high. Students leave their first year of College for
After graduating high school mostly everyone has both high hopes and dreams, people whom have high hopes for the career life ahead of them seem to run into manys different obstacles along the way. After graduating high school I finally came to a conclusion of what I wanted to do with my life. My senior year in high school not only did my hopes change multiple times they also changed tremendously. One of the biggest obstacles that I ran into or that I face everyday is my cell phone. My cell phone is my biggest issue when it comes to anything its almost like its impossible for me to put it down. With social media being as big as it is today my head seems to stay in either instagram or snapchat 98% of the day. rather than my phone I seem to run
Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed. Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life.
Once a child graduates from elementary school and goes on to high school, he or she is already molded into the person he or she will be for the rest of his or her life. Sure all kids become more mature within those four years, but their values are still the same, and in some cases even stronger. In most circumstances, a child will use what they learned in the past to make decisions inhe future. High school, however, is important for other reasons as well. High school is the very last step before a student can enter the realm of higher education. Therefore, high school is essentially what prepares a student to go on to bigger and better things. High school is where