After winning a golden globe, or the Heisman, or the MVP of the NBA there always comes an acceptance speech with it. It's a speech thanking all the people that helped them get to where they are as a person, and how great of an honor it is to be holding this prize etc, etc. I never understood why people did this. Was it to show humbleness? Gratitude? I always believed you’re the person you are because of you. You were the person that shaped your future and everything you accomplished was because of you. And I held this true until the day I won first team all district in football. As soon as I heard that I had won this award, my mind remembered one person in particular; Coach. “Ethan, get your ass back here!” “But…” “ We are going to sit here and play catch until you learn how to throw right” “Really, Johann, you’ve been out here for two hours its enough!” “We are not going to stop until he learns!” God, I hate you and I hate baseball. You know i'll never be good at it. Just let me quit. “Throw it right” “But how” “Like I taught you, I'm not going over it again” I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. You would never do this with Grace or Isabelle. You only do this with me because you think I’m a disappointment. “Stop, chucking it!” “Stop throwing it like a girl, and throw it like I taught you” I clenched my jaw and crushed my fists together. I gripped that ball and I whipped it right at his ugly. I’ll show you who throws like a girl. The ball hit his glove with a loud crack.
Imagine standing on a softball field expected to perform at the age of 5. Even though the butterflies in my stomach were starting a war, nothing was going to stop me from stepping on that field to play my first tee ball game as a Little Tiger. Fans cheered, but what I noticed most was a little boy in the outfield picking his nose. Standing in the box, I was terrified; the field looked huge. I had never seen anything like this before, but I knew that the little boy was the person I needed to hit the ball to, so I hit the ball as hard as I could. The ball went soaring through the air like a bird on fire. Dropping from the air, it rolled to the fence. At that time, I knew I had fallen in love with the game of softball. I was smiling from ear to ear, I couldn’t believe I had hit the ball that far! Both sides screamed, yelled, and shouted with excitement. Was all this commotion for me? I rounded first, but I couldn’t go to second because my teammate, Kylie Leach, didn’t run. I didn’t know what she was doing. Sadly, the batter after me hit a ground ball to the pitcher, and the other team threw him out at first.
Hello, and welcome to the first of many posts that we will be providing our followers. We have realized that numerous people may not know about our great cause, so we wanted to share with everyone what exactly our mission is.
IT’s fourth and goal it is Super Bowl 49 they were on our own goal line the knees of the offensive line,and offensive line were shaking,as I feel the sweat running down my hands warming up .The ball is snapped I see their best receiver anquan boldin sprint to the middle of the end zone I sprint to him leaving an man wide open. Russell Wilson reaches back and fires I reach out and snatch it almost dropping it I fall to the ground rolling in excitement my team picking me up.As you can see I am talking about a sport hear and this particular sport is football the sport that fills the night air with emotions on Sunday,Monday,and Thursday dreams our bound to happen.People today that want to be in the spot they were in is out there everyday ,staying after practice knowing that it is almost impossible to make it,knowing that it is a brutal game deciding their career,and not being liked by everyone.
In the reading “throwing like a girl” by James fallows he describes the differences between the Clintons throw during a baseball game. He explains the right way to throw a baseball, and the ways an individual should not throw a baseball. To my understanding, Fallows is trying to explain the correct way and the incorrect way to play/throw a baseball, especially in such a big game, where there are thousands of people watching. To my understanding he uses the phrase “throwing like a girl” referring to the Clintons photographs due to both of the Clintons not throwing the ball the correct way. In the images it shows how both of them are not holding the balls correctly, one has the elbow way low than it should be, and the other a little higher.
Only being the bat boy, Stanton had to bring his equipment to the ballpark everyday and go hit in the batting cages before the team showed up. Stanton thought to himself, “Why is coach asking me to swing in batting practice today? He has never done that once since I became the bat boy.” Stanton walked back onto the field and stepped into the batter’s box. Before Stanton even took a swing, he looked at the beautiful Marlins Park. Straight ahead was the bright, colorful outfield walls that were painted green. Stanton soaked in the atmosphere. While the batting practice pitcher went to throw the first pitch to Stanton, Johnny Field, the Marlins seventh round draft pick said, “Come on coach! You’re giving the bat boy a couple swings? Ha-ha that’s funny.” Just as Field finished his sentence, Scotty Stanton crushed the first pitch he saw into the left-center field gap, landing at an estimate four hundred feet. Coach Mattingly said, “Sit your ass down Field, we should have drafted this kid over you!” Stanton gave Mattingly a smile. Stanton continued to punish balls, smashing them all over Marlins Park. To others, it was just batting practice, but to Stanton, it meant more. It felt as if he had the game of baseball back in his life. When Stanton’s round was over, the Marlins players were impressed, besides the envious Johnny Field. One Marlins player even told Mattingly that this kid needs to be in the lineup. Mattingly
You are receiving this email because you have agreed to volunteer your tie to coach a cheerleading team for the Van Buren Youth Football League. I want to first say THANK YOU for volunteering your time! Please forgive me for not get this email to you all sooner I have been extremely busy. I am starting a new career as a 1st year teacher in the Van Buren school district and my summer has been very pre occupied with tasks for this new position. At the moment this email will serve as out initial coaches meeting as I honestly don 't have the time to plan out a full fledged meeting. So I will try to cover all elements in this email.
I hope that my speech has shed some light on the bulldog breed. Their history, unique features, and random facts, and I wish that you have all learnt something new about them today. Thankyou for you're time."
Journalist James Fallows explores the art of throwing a baseball in his text “Throwing Like a Girl.” The article was published in a commentary magazine called the Atlantic in August of 1996. Fallows clearly introduces the common misconception of “throwing like a girl” and effectively debates the many different reasons for the throwing difference.
Want to know how to throw a perfect spiral!? Well then get up and go outside! A beautiful day is the perfect time to learn how to throw a football. If you want to become a quarterback, you have to be an excellent thrower. Once you become an expert at throwing a perfect spiral, you might become one of the best throwers ever!
I thought they thoroughly perceived me only in light of the fact that our bats were ablaze. We worked our way up to score three keeps running in that inning and we led the pack. Unfortunately, they got an opportunity to bat. I was still in the diversion and I had tossed around one hundred and thirty pitches which is a considerable measure for a pitcher. Traditionally mentors take out their pitchers when they hit the one hundred pitch stamp. I was now ready to ambulate out of the hole and onto the field when Coach halted me.
I’m a fourth year varsity soccer player at an all-boys private school of less than 550 students. Despite our small enrollment, for athletics we play in the division of the largest schools, mainly ones with enrollments over 2000 students. We can argue the fairness of our placement as long as we like, but it won’t change our position. We have to accept the challenge of playing larger schools.
“I told you I could pitch!” I yelled after Trinity who was chasing the ball that I had just thrown past her. I didn’t want to tell the coach because what if that throw was just luck? Besides by the next game the coach would have already forgotten about my
The pitcher tries to put me out of his mind, but he can’t because I’m 60 feet away. He may have the mound to his advantage, but nothing will stop me from achieving this goal. I assess the field. There are runners on all the bases, the outfielders are playing back to prevent any extra base hits, and we’re down by 2 runs. I smooth out the dirt where my foot land, I make it smooth and the perfect landing spot for my foot, and step into the box. Everything must be perfect. I take a deep breath. I must stay calm. In...out. I sway my bat towards him and back into my pre-pitch position. My hands are relaxed but ready to unleash the violence of a baseball swing.
Stars: I attended Lee High School in Huntsville, AL for 4 years. As a general, I participated in many varsity sports, but anyone who knows me knows my favorite is football. Looking in as an 8th grader the varsity team at Lee was pretty good under head coach Kinte Welch; however, finally graduating and becoming a part of the team my freshman through junior year was pretty awful. Our program was awful because of many reasons, but you can 't blame it all on the head coach. Ending my junior season, we 'd maybe won 4 games in 3 seasons. At the beginning of baseball season my junior year the athletic department decided to release him from his head coach position. After many potential coaches filled out for the position our principle filled the spot. He was familiar with the football in our area and he also coaches at a rival school Huntsville High School. Coach Woods has been around football all his life also playing linebacker at the University of Arkansas. Woods taking over and hiring a new staff made our life so much easier. The senior class who came in as a freshman, and stuck through the tough times help lead the team to the 6A playoffs after not being a contender for the last 10 years. I played a huge role as a defensive captain and we were ranked one of the top defenses in our region. As a three-year starter for the Generals, we turned the whole program around my senior season and made it to the second round of the playoffs where we lost to a power house.
I was getting very nervous, because all three of us were hitless today. Okay, we need base runners, and we need them now. Don’t try to do too much, just get a hit. I thought. The first pitch was a fastball right down the middle of the plate, a perfect pitch to hit. My eyes got big, and my mind said swing, but before I could react, the ball was past me.