Good evening! I apologize for bothering you, but I was wondering if there is any way possible that I could get my schedule changed. I would specifically like to change my elective which at the current moment is AP Stat. This change is necessary for many reasons, but there are two prominent reasons that I would like to discuss. The first being that the way that the teacher teaches does not suit the way that I learn. Since this is an AP class, it is very important that the teacher be able to communicate with their students in a way that makes it possible for all the students understand. In my case, however, I cannot fully grasp what Mr. Burbine is teaching. In order for me to learn something successfully, the teacher must go into detail about
I have the distinct pleasure of welcoming all of you into the National Honor Society, a group built off of high standards of achievement, not only in the area of academics but also in character and leadership. I congratulate each of you and your parents.
I am an active member of my school and community. At school I feel that i've gained the respect of my peers being elected as Student Council representative for the past four years. I have also been elected the treasurer of the choir, and secretary of the band. I am part of the Ross Middle School bucket drumming group and have been casted as part of the school theatre’s annual play. After school on Wednesdays I assist Ms. Rullman in helping students with homework and enhancing study methods. I am currently participating in science olympiad and have in the past. I am also an anchor on the popular Good Morning Ross Middle School weekly news show. In addition, I have been a part of National Junior Honor Society which takes part in service projects
That is exactly what I did. I am glad I fought because if I didn't fight I wouldn't be here today to tell you my story that has made me who I am today. Even though I had some difficulties learning in school I didn't get discouraged I tried my hardest and wouldn't give up and because I didn't give up I am currently nineteen years old and about to graduate from high school and have been on honor roll for four years in a row and was inducted into The National Honor Society my sophomore.
Senior year rapidly is coming to an end, I’ve had the opportunity to see many of my friends come to the exciting moment in their life when they sign that dotted line and I was still waiting on my chance. My entire life I had dreamt of the day to finally committed to a college basketball team, this was my goal and it had to be my purpose in life. January 18, 2015 at 4:41 PM I got an exciting text from Truett-Mcconnell’s head coach, Matt Sanders, stating,” Good afternoon Claudia this is Coach Sanders from Truett-Mcconnell College, and I really feel like we need to begin the recruiting process with you! Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, but I just didn’t want to let time slip away! I look forward to hearing back from you!” Here was my chance!
In class, we have discussed: writing-to-learn, rubrics and research. In this paper, I will reflect and summarize on topics discussed in class. I sense that all of these topics can have a positive affect off of the other. Thus far I have really enjoyed the topics we have discussed because they stretch so far and are opinionated topics. From my own personal experience, I do not really enjoy writing. I had teachers who made me write things like spelling words over and over. When the topic about research came up I instantly sighed because my first thought was that I was going to be assigned what to research. What fun is researching something if you don’t get to do it on something interesting? As I reflect back on my own experiences from grade school I remember using rubrics starting around 8th grade. Seeing how then, I just thought there were no use for them now I absolutely love them because it gives expectations from the teacher for the student. I think rubrics are awesome to use but if they aren’t worded just right I see failure waiting to happen.
Hello, fellow classmates, it had come to my attention that a facebook group for AP Chemistry is needed. Much is appreciated to invite others currently in AP Chemistry at the moment. Throughout AP Chemistry I wish you to have a fantastic and wonderful year throughout class. Also, feel free to post any questions or concerns and hopefully it will be answered as soon as
The Morehead State University Honors Program opens the door to many great opportunities which include, but are not limited to, a semester-long internship with a legislator in Frankfort, a summer research program for aspiring physicians and dentists, and a year-long volunteering experience working with children in an after school program. Although all of these would allow me to develop many new skills, along with relationships across our great commonwealth, I feel as if the summer research program for aspiring physicians and dentists would be the best fit for me. As an aspiring physician, I believe that this experience would allow me to challenge myself with new concepts that will be critical to my success in medical school, as well as allowing me to better my research skills. This program would assist me unbelievably as I transition into my future.
The fact that Bethel University has a policy that requires all students to use APA formatting is the right approach to ensure we are giving the appropriate credit to those professionals who research and developed the materials. I agree with you that it will help us be more consistent in our approach when we must research for those reputable sources when creating our class assignments. This process will also ensure that we do not plagiarize our materials. I will most likely cite too often in the beginning just to be safe.
I don’t even know where to start with this State of the Union Speech. I thought it was incredible. It was well written and wasn’t full of bogus. As a kid who is confused, and sometimes even scared of politics, I could understand it. One major thing that stood out to me was the talk about America’s strength. My fellow students at school have no faith in our country, and always go around saying, “Obama sucks!” I always knew that they were wrong, but sometimes watching the news, I worried. It seems nothing good is ever happening. Reading the President's speech, I now know some of the truth, and it has calmed my worries. Another thing that stood out to me was the climate change stuff, that is a big worry of mine. Yes, it has been proven true
In today’s society, children are taught as early as kindergarten that attending college and receiving a degree is a must, however over the last decade the state of Texas as well as the United States as a whole has seen a significant decrease in the number of students who actually go on to obtain their degree. The real question is if educators are pushing so hard to convince all students that they need to get a college degree, then why are we seeing such mediocre percentages of students actually achieving that goal? There isn’t just one answer to that question, but there are multiple factors that come into play regarding students not being able to finish college. At the end of the day getting a higher education is by far one of the most important things a modern day America citizen can acquire, the higher the completion rate the more efficient the United States will be in the long run.
College students continuously encounter the struggle of time management through out their college experience. Overall a student’s grade point average and academic performance relies on how the student efficiently spends their time. Distractions and various activities intervene in daily academic obligations and tasks for any college student. Research has shown that only 48% of college students believe they effectively use their time wisely. (Britton, Bruce. K., & Tesser, Abraham, 1991). The decision between studying, attending club events, family, work or partying has students on the edge. College students who choose to spend more time engaging in non-academic activities tend to fall behind in school academically. Undergrad
With more than 15 years experience in higher education at the university, state, and national level, I can genuinely say I enjoy my work. For many prospective students, the college admissions process is an arduous and daunting task. As a higher education administrator, college admissions and enrollment management allows me to improve the college search experience, provide avenues of opportunity, and assist students with what is potentially the first and most important adult decision they will make.
Although many peoples’ most significant memories of college are those outside of the classroom, a degree is not conferred based upon such things. Rather, students’ academic performance is what determines whether students earn a degree or certificate. Academic issues were a point of concern at many institutions as incoming students often struggled with basic skills. Furthermore, international students who needed remedial English were less likely to persist (Mamiseishvili, 2012). There have been numerous issues, obstacles, and challenges that may inhibit a student’s ability to navigate the rigors of college. Much has been discussed concerning improved educational opportunities for minority and underrepresented students in
English class seemed to be the most dreadful to take within school. Writing essays for most of my grade in a class is not what I was looking forward too. When I entered college I knew that it would be one of many challenging classes I would have to take. Starting from the lowest English class to moving on up, the writing assignments became longer and more thought out. The time came when I got into this class that I knew more work was going to have to be put into essays and thus brought out what I had not seen before in my work progress.
These first six weeks of school have been great I am loving it. It has been great first six weeks because of the teachers and all the people I 'm around. I am loving this school because I got to get closer to God and hangout with my friends. This year I am in seventh grade my goals are getting my grades up, running the mile faster in P.E., and respecting my teachers.