
Graduation Speech : College Is A Significant Part Of My Life That Influenced My Development Essay

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Getting accepted to college is a significant part of my life that influenced my development. Making the transition from high school to college was a difficult to me. During this transition, I was living away from home and my parents for the first time. I had to make critical decisions that will affect their college experience. Magolda said, “higher education has a responsibility to help young adults make the transition from their socialization by society to their role as members and leaders in society’s future” (Hamilton, 2009, p. 5,). Higher education is tasked with socializing young adults to be productive members of society, this transformation looks different for each student based on their racial and social class identity (Ritchey, 2014). I chose to go to a predominately white institution(PWI), Westminster College. Black students at predominately white institutions (PWI) sometimes have trouble with their racial identity and it either hinder or support the development of a black student identity (Ritchey, 2014). According to Cross & Fhagen-Smith, African American students must go through a process of growth and discovery in order to regain a positive African American racial identity (Bakari,1997). Using the Cross & Fhagen-Smith 's Model, I will explain how the experiences and interactions at my undergraduate institution affected how I developed my racial identity and how I found the meaning of being black. Throughout my childhood, I have always lived predominately white

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