Here Me Roar today I would like to speak about is all of the killings by the police or people killing police. Its just starting to go over board its happening everyday it seems like and its just to much. First you here about Innocent kid gets killed by the police then like after two weeks you here about a good police officer getting killed by some gang or something it just need to stop. But in my opinion I think it all starts with the police they have killed so many kids lately and they also killed a guy by chocking him because they were being over aggressive. I'm not trying to put all the blame on the police but they don't really help there self's on what they have been doing and I'm not trying to put the blame on every police officer because
Police officers are individuals who enforce the law upon their community to ensure that their citizens remain safe. In the past couple of years, officers of the law have been involved in acts of brutality that seem to go beyond the proper measurements of protection for their citizens. Policemen are supposed to protect their citizens from danger and from harm, not impose a threat on them. The fact that officers have a history of abusing their power indicates that their trust amongst the community has been corrupted. Those who have been affected of police brutality feel as though they have been deceived. They no longer feel that police officers will protect them, but rather abuse them, and that is a problem. We have began to live in a community in which an individual feels frightened when seeing a cop, rather than feeling protected. Some individuals may argue that police brutality is not a problem due to the fact that it is not consistent enough to catch the attention of needing a solution. However, that idea means little when the level of brutality has led to the death of several innocent victims in some cases. We must not wait for there to be a pattern of death at the hands of police officials to consider this a problem. One death indicates that preventive measures must be taken to ensure that these officers are no longer put in the position to abuse their power to begin with.
Did you know that there is a lot of police brutality in the world? Did you know that people have been injured and killed by the police for no reason? There have been families hurt because their loved ones were getting beaten or killed by the police and that is wrong.
Just this year, from January to the present, about 480 people have been killed by policemen in the United States. Police violence is and has been a large problem. For example, during the March on Washington (on August 28, 1963) there were several examples of violence against innocent, unarmed African Americans. They were attacked with tear gas, and beaten as hard as the officers could. The officers would blindly attack anyone, young or old.
How are you doing? This is Will, the tall black guy you would sometimes see in service. I'm writing to say goodbye. My project in Carson City came to an end and I've moved back to Texas. Thank you so much for making me feel at home at Hope. Your messages kept me going while I was in Reno. God used your words to truly bless me and also show me where I need to improve. Sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye in person, but everything happened so fast.
I always expected to feel differently when applying for college, and especially when getting accepted. But it did not go quite how I had always pictured. I had been out of school and working, and started to lose the urgency or desire to leave for college right away. I was not ready to leave home and all my loved ones and so I slacked on keeping up with all the college stuff like I should have been doing. One day I finally applied to the only place I set my sights on, not really expecting much. And to my surprise, I was accepted. There, everything changed.
Going to the twenty fifth annual rivercrest high school class of twenty nineteen reunion, excited and nerves. I’m excited to catch-up with everyone and see what they have made of themselves. Ready to talk to my old school friends and even see a few of my old teachers.
There is a pressing police issue that we need to resolve. I think it is important for the leaders of the police departments to hear and implement a solution. The problem is that there are so many reports of police use of excessive force. This is a serious problem that affects us all. People cannot trust the police department if the officers continue to use excessive force. This can lead to people not reporting crimes and taking matters into their own hands. The police department cannot protect and serve if the officers and community act as if they are at war with each other.
That’s good. I know about the P.T. because when I was in Postal school they made us do P.T. with the AIT students, talk about getting smoked with the young kids. That’s good to hear that you have the highest average in your class, when I reclassed to 42A I made the list for Honor Grad right before the Unit deployed back in 2014. I wish you the best of luck on making Distinguish Honor Grad. I’ll keep you post on anything that’s going
Good Morning. Hope your Friday 2/10/2017 finds you well today. So Terry, I believe it almost 3 weeks casting and I try sending to the web week ago, I sent a letter in answer for Hope and Naomi. Even fought whether send the letter to find someone would respond probably and because no one got back to me could you please answer... Then when we got home last night 2/10/17from practice Naomi asking again did someone call, did we receive message it would ok that no call ,if no every said that everyone would receive word. No tears, this week like last week or; they said would call everyone, and even If they did not get in. Hope Elizabeth has slightly autism so she’d believed people when they have said something is going to happen like calling, they
In the past when people would hear the word “police”, usually a thought of protection and safety would come to their minds. However, as of recently when police are mentioned, a new thought of danger is often generated in their minds. It is not uncommon for a person living in a poor neighborhood nowadays to feel uncomfortable in the presence of police, and for good reason. How many times by now have you heard of someone being killed by a policeman for resisting arrest? Many police shoot to kill and we may think of them as ruthless, however are they to blame or is it the system we should blame for training them to do so? New police policies need to be implemented into the system because police are causing many unnecessary deaths by being
Before my senior year in high school I dreaded the thought of writing a paper, writing came as an immense struggle for me. I never had any confidence in what I wrote; I couldn’t help feeling that my writing was very subpar when compared to that of my classmates. It always seemed that the reason for my passing grades on papers was due to my teachers trying to rush through grading, rather than my ability as a writer. I felt like this was a reoccurring theme ever since I had entered middle school, because of this I felt my confidence as a writer slip from me slowly but surely. This continued until I met Mrs. Blevens, the instructor for my senior year writing class. I felt like she was the first teacher that I had that cared about her students writing. No person comes close to what she did for me my writing like she does. Mrs. Blevens knew how to push her students out of their comfort zone, probably the most important thing you can do for a young writer. In order to grow as a writer you need to be pushed at times in order to gain, even if it makes you uncomfortable and that’s exactly what Mrs. Blevens did for me.
A teacher would be defined as someone who educates and nurtures children, teenagers, and young adults into adulthood. Teachers play a huge huge role in individual 's lives, in the aspect that they can make or break a child 's decision on whether they want to come to school or not. One main goal is to get student’s to want to come to school so they can get educated, make changes in the world, become successful, and impact others lives like we want to impact there 's. Teaching provides an exciting environment for students and gives them a place to be when they need some time away from home, and if they want to stay home, I want to be what motivates them to want to come to school everyday.
So today my Blog concludes about todays world and how the Law enforcement revolves around it, first of all we have seen many issues about todays Law enforcement many cops have been going under for murder and mistreating people first of all not all cops are bad and not all people are good when someone breaks the law it is your duty as a citizen to oblige by the rules. When you are being arrested do not resist arrest because you are only making things worse. even if you think you did not deserve being arrested just follow the rules and state your case when in court. But now a days we have seen cops being murdered by people because according to some of the people cops deserve to be dead and they should not be caring weapons. But My question is
Thank you for reading and responding to my post. This week is dealing with modern day police issues. Many shootings, police corruption, brutality, and so forth. I wanted to highlight that many of modern day police issues pre-existed, but with one difference. In modern day the police, on the opposite side of the batons, shootings and brutality. In all what is going on in modern day police incidents is terrible.
In our times, the police have become the criminals. Some police are using their power to do bad things, and society has come to fear the police. The law enforcement system needs change. The courts have failed the police, and the police have turned to other means of justice. We must stop the corruption in the police force. The family of the people who is being killed is being hurt more than anything.