
Graduation Speech : High School

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High school was one of the most challenging moments in my life. Not only did I have to deal with the academic pressures and social issues from my peers I had external factors that were heavily impacting me as well. During my junior year my mom separated from her husband and me and my three little brothers ended up staying house to house with close relatives. Shortly after that time at the beginning of my senior year, my mom was sent to prison. In the midst of dealing with all of the demands that any senior deals with I had to also carry the responsibility of taking care of my three siblings. I picked up more hours from my part time job and had help from my stepdad and extended family financially but my little brothers were depending on me psychologically. Times were tough. At times my attention shifted away from my academics and more so to the wants and needs of my siblings. I became so stressed out that I broke down and went to visit my high school counselor. She then recommended me to my school’s district Social Worker. At first I was nervous to open up to her and divulge about my problems but her presence was genuine and reassuring. I felt a ton of relief as soon as I confided to her about all of the dilemmas that I was facing. She shared resources on how to obtain additional financial assistance. She also found a couple of after school programs close to my neighborhood that my brothers could attend while I did one on one sessions after school with my teachers to get me

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