Thank you so much for picking me to be the recipient of your $4,000 scholarship. You have been in my life since I was little helping me to become the person I am today. Even when I was just ten years told you were teaching me how about being coming a vet tech. At times, I wasn’t sure if becoming a vet tech was really want I wanted to do however you always never and after working with you I have no doubts that becoming a vet tech is my calling. The money from the scholarship with help me so much to be ready for Crowder College this fall. Thank you for the money and always being there for me.
I am an active member of my school and community. At school I feel that i've gained the respect of my peers being elected as Student Council representative for the past four years. I have also been elected the treasurer of the choir, and secretary of the band. I am part of the Ross Middle School bucket drumming group and have been casted as part of the school theatre’s annual play. After school on Wednesdays I assist Ms. Rullman in helping students with homework and enhancing study methods. I am currently participating in science olympiad and have in the past. I am also an anchor on the popular Good Morning Ross Middle School weekly news show. In addition, I have been a part of National Junior Honor Society which takes part in service projects
As a Catholic community we must seek to live the life that Christ has shown us, to serve rather than be served. Our daily lives must begin and end with the love for God. And with our strong faith community, we can achieve greatness in all that we do.
Senior year rapidly is coming to an end, I’ve had the opportunity to see many of my friends come to the exciting moment in their life when they sign that dotted line and I was still waiting on my chance. My entire life I had dreamt of the day to finally committed to a college basketball team, this was my goal and it had to be my purpose in life. January 18, 2015 at 4:41 PM I got an exciting text from Truett-Mcconnell’s head coach, Matt Sanders, stating,” Good afternoon Claudia this is Coach Sanders from Truett-Mcconnell College, and I really feel like we need to begin the recruiting process with you! Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, but I just didn’t want to let time slip away! I look forward to hearing back from you!” Here was my chance!
On behalf of the entire Faculty I would like to welcome you to South Dakota State University; from now on you are Jackrabbits. You are walking in the footsteps of more than 75,000 alumni that have used the foundations gained here at State to develop successful careers as farmers and ranchers, teachers, entrepreneurs, State Governors, US Congress members, Nobel Prize winners, NFL players, professors and even University Presidents.
I would like to expand my appreciation to you regarding the generous scholarship which you awarded me. This scholarship is not only an amazing assistance to me and my family, but also an honor of which I am very proud.
I would like to thank you again for your generosity and support. This scholarship make me feel everything I had done to be here its worthy, and I hope to accomplish
Please excuse my sister , Ma. Chrissa T. Guico, from finishing the Year Ender program. I will be picking her up tonight and bringing her home to Mandaluyong fro the weekend. She will be back in the residence hall on Sunday evening.I , Francesca May T. Guico, will be picking up my sister, Ma. Chrissa T. Guico, from the
As result of creating and implementing this artifact, I realized that the most effective lesson plans are those which initiate with the final assessment in mind. So, I applied a pre-test at the very beginning of my lessons with every different group I would be teaching to measure a starting point or the amount of pre-existing knowledge on the topics to be taught. Based on this, I planned the instruction to deliver and how to differentiate it.
I am thankful for the opportunity to apply for your scholarship. College is for learning new things about the world and yourself, and I hope that I make the most of it. I will always work hard for my goals, and with your help, I will be one step closer to my
Thank you so much for this $2500 scholarship award. I appreciate this award to help me pursue my education. I feel so grateful to know that I have your support.
I am very grateful to be able to use this scholarship you awarded me towards my higher education at Idaho State University. I was very thrilled when finding out about being a recipient for your scholarship. Anything that helps towards my college costs is greatly appreciated leading me to be a step closer to my goal in college.
1. I would like to enroll in the Senior Honors Program, because I think it will be an excellent way to complete my experience as a sociology undergraduate student at UC Berkeley. Since transferring to UC Berkeley in the Fall of 2015, many of the courses I have taken have focused on research and its importance to the field of sociology. The continued exposure to the diverse topics of sociological research, as well as the varied methods researchers use to collect their data, has shown me that many of questions I ask about the social world on a daily basis are potential sociological research projects. I find this fact to be inspiring as opposed to overwhelming, and I believe that the questions that I continually ask warrant further academic exploration. I want to participate in this program, because it will place me in an environment where I will be able to find academic answers to the questions that cross my mind regularly, and ultimately mold me into a more insightful and capable student.
Students in today’s society are not adequately prepared in high school to enter and take on the challenges of college. Yet, millions of high school graduates dive right in because that is what they are expected to do. We are setting them up for failure by having this unrealistic expectation that students can succeed unprepared. According to The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, nearly 60% of all first-time college students in the United States discover that despite being fully eligible to attend college, they are not ready for postsecondary studies.
Thank you for the generous scholarship amount of $5000 to go towards my education. Affording college would have not been possible without this scholarship. I have the opportunity to go to college debt free.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Saydel High School. Today is a big day, as we, the class of 2018 gather one last time before taking our next steps into our adult lives. We made it. We graduated high school. Soon, we will all be walking across the stage to receive our diploma, which is an event that has been 13 plus years in the making.