Good morning, Now that the dust has settled from transition weekend (though it hasn’t completely settled yet), I’d like to take a moment to welcome everyone to the new ITIP Bridge contract. We have been blessed to have a couple more years working for the TSA. Along with the Bridge, there have obviously been a myriad of other changes happening at the same time and it is a testament to the hard work and commitment displayed by each of you that we were able to come through all of this with only the smallest of hiccups. Since I have your attention for a moment, I would like to go over a couple brief topics and set a few expectations for all of us going forward Vigilance I wanted this to be the first topic because I believe it’s the most important. We have a serious job of supporting an agency which is responsible for protecting the …show more content…
One large change is Networking Services is now responsible for Smart Hands support at Ashburn and has a dedicated team of professionals manning that site. They will be responsible, as we have already seen this previous weekend, for more than just network devices. Additionally, the eTAS-Kronos group has been brought under Networking Services along with Ashburn Support and the VOIP team. In practice, little will change for these groups as they are already operating at level of excellence that I am positive they will maintain. Work Habits Let’s start the new contract right with taking care of the small things. Be on time for your shift and stay until the end. Communicate absences with as much advanced notice as possible. Any work from home procedures you may have previously followed should be considered void. Work from home should never be assumed and must be directly authorized. Normally, if you’re going to be out you will need to burn PTO or sick time as appropriate. It is important both for professional and perceptional reasons to be at our desk doing our
The primary reason that Butler University decided to change their current system was due to the fact that their original provider was not fulfilling the university’s needs. Butler had originally used Centrex as their service provider. Centrex, being an older system, could not provide Butler University with the modern, more up to date features that they needed. The Centrex system was based on features that were over a decade old, and customizing this system was done easily by any means. Butler began to expand and certain departments began to expand. This caused issues with the current Centrex system because
What are 4 questions you anticipate? Include your "ideal" response to each of these questions.
Thank you for your email, I hope you are doing well. Unfortunately, I won't be on campus this fall as I will be on a co-op term in Mississauga. But I wish you all the best and please feel free to message me if you ever need assistance with anything, such as a course or a trip, I am always happy to
What topic sentences will you use as the foundation of your communication? (If necessary, add more points.)
1. Concerning the private sector, what are its primary roles and responsibilities as a member of the homeland security enterprise? Support your comments with material from the weekly readings.
Today I received my "Deal Closers Only" hat from Man Outfitters. As a guy working the grind of sales, being a member of DCO Nation is a no-brainer, because closing deals is a lifestyle. Gotta be on that business 24/7. Needless to say I was thrilled to finally get my hat in the mail, but I can't lie that it was bittersweet timing to open that box.
I would like to inform everyone that we have a game on Friday, February 10, 2017 at the Yes We Can Community Center. Since there is a game on Friday instead of open gym on Wednesday, February 8th, 2017; there will be a scheduled team practice from 6:30PM to 8:30PM at the Alden Terrace Elementary School. Then practice will be again on Thursday, February 9th, 2017 at Bayside High School from 7:30PM to 9:15PM. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.
These below are my goals for the end of my first semester at CRLS, and the reasoning behind them in a somewhat short and concise form.
I hope to improve my leadership skills and also find a way to make a difference
The first reason people are drawn to this field is to protect and serve the community because it is where they grew up in and it’s like a home to them. As we grow, we make our community our home because it is where your family, friends, neighbors and you grew. As an individual, we want to make sure that our home is safe, or we ask ourselves what can we do to make our community safe and be at good protection.
To take what we learn here into practice to better support our youngest and most vulnerable populations
Look Ahead: What’s coming up in the next six weeks? Any big events, reports, presentations, or milestones toward your goals? •
My great challenge this time is that I want to play an active role in all
When I think of the questions easily, the first thing I thought of was philanthropy. Living a healthy lifestyle would be next. I’m very excited about getting the chance to expound on my future in leadership and mentoring rolls. Next, I want to explore what full potential and purpose is and how can I be a positive impact on the world. At this stage of my life I feel that it says "Yes" to: being a philanthropist, having a health and wellness for my body and soul as well as being involved in leadership and mentoring.