In this world there is opportunity To come together in great unity But everyone is so full of hate That parents are scared to let their kids to the Store to get a soda of grape Where is the love, compassion, and desire To do better We would be one great nation if we could Get past this great endeavor There are too many people Giving up on their decisions One bad thing happens, and they lose sight Of all things They feel the need to go sell, or rob, or join a gang But not me, oh no, that ain’t my thang I will stay strong and follow my own path And all who hate on me will soon feel their own wrath Because karma is a tricky one, you see And I will make sure she stays in favor of
We have to open our eyes to each others "Points of View" and stop being so irrepressible to what others say, think and believe. I am not saying that everyone is correct or even good in their point of views, but we can no longer close ourselves off from seeing from their eyes, or walking in their shoes. I hear it all the time in the songs that we listen to, advertisements, online and TV. But at this juncture, it is no longer enough to just say we will treat everyone as if they are a circle; we need to be multitudinous in our efforts to stop saying and start doing! By using all of our abilities to hear each others beliefs, needs, hopes even fears. Use our touch to feel each others happiness, joy and sorrow. Instead of relying solely on the easiest sense we have,
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” Aristotle. The world is better together, as a whole, than it is made up by each country individually, separated and fending for themselves, with no one support from one another. We are currently living in a divided world. Either divided over power, race, religion, and so much more. We read the news daily, wondering why we cannot accept each other and move forward. We wonder why we are all trying to win the “war of division” separately, not relying on other people that believe in the same thing we do. This “war of division,” despite the contrary, is one we have been facing since the start of our country. From the day we won our war of independence to today, we fight issues on our own, but what
Thus, when we come together as a society, then change will come, but we have to keep fighting this war of social injustice, and so on.
A wise American poet and peace advocate, Mattie Stepanek, once said, “Unity is strength… where there is teamwork and collaboration, great things can be achieved.” Since the human kind, the world has been suffering from each other. Rather than working together as a team like what Stepanek reveals, individuals are tearing each other apart. There are ongoing wars, threats, and fights for justice that hasn’t been resolved for decades. Every morning, America wakes up with a new threat from countries like North Korea. In addition, women are still being treated poorly compared to the men after nearly one hundred years. It is safe to say anger, fear, and greed are the roots of all of these problems proving the division of this world.
“Humans of New York” made me realize through stories of struggle and triumph that we are all connected in this game we call life. So respect and help each other out. It seems to be a simple idea, but as I read through the news from the recent debate, or browse the comment section of the latest YouTube sensation, I see words of anguish, bigotry and hatred. We are not against each other in a democracy and our opinions should certainly not be suppressed. Our country as it stands today seems to be one of partisan beliefs with no real compromise or understanding, and I believe that very attitude has been increasingly relevant in our news and in our social lives causing a great disarray of problems. Problems of which may all be solved by standing back and looking at the bigger picture. This issue is important to me because until humanity learns once again to stand united and not divided I fear we will never reach goals that need to be achieved. It is as simple as this; we’re all human. We all have goals and we all have
Carjacking, Gunfire, and killing is all we see, So how can we become One world, One nation, One community…
Ladies and Gentleman, the sad reality is that we are within a world full of violence and darkness. Humans have been misguided and inattentive of priorities in life. We have forgotten the true meaning of respect and civil obedience. Citizens have the mentality that citizens owe them something very valuable which is credit and recognition. Our government and political leaders have blinded us from what truly matters in a nation...unity! People in this world believe that they are alone in times of loss and suffering. People are filled with agony as their financial situations plummet or they face challenges in terms of social interaction. Some feel as if they don’t have true friends that have the decency to give their support to someone in need.
I strongly believe that if each person would reach their ultimate potential in their lives together, the society as a whole would be better off. The problem is each area of our life seems to be in constant conflict. The U.S.A. at this very point in time is in a major political conflict with one candidate wanting to build a wall and another wanting candidate wanting to rob from the rich and give to the poor. Is this the view point I love? I resounding no, but this seems to the one most represented to me in this country. As a Christian, I also see this within a spiritual context, light against the darkness. Unfortunately, we can see radicalized groups take this to the extreme in their terrorist’s acts.
There’s no doubt that every person has their differences. It could be a physical or mental disability, a religious or moral belief, a different color of skin, or almost anything else. In today’s world, it’s common that people who have differences treat each other poorly. Sometimes, we see someone in public who is short-tempered towards another person and in return, we treat them the same way. Also, we talk of peace, yet there always seems to be some sort of conflict going on. None of these should be the case. Instead, we to make a change, and it’s imperative that we do it now. What if, when one person is down and out, we don’t just walk by, but instead reach out a caring hand to help them back up? When trying to reach any goal as a group, it can’t be achieved by one person trying. Rather, it takes an absolute effort from each and every person involved. Undoubtedly, there is evil in the world. That being said, I genuinely hold the belief that there is good in everyone. Martin Luther King Jr., even when faced with all sorts of hate, wanted all people, black or white, to love each other. He proved this when he said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” We should all take part in making a change within ourselves. This should not be a temporary change. The effects of this change should be felt by all generations until the end of time. We should create an example of ourselves to love no matter what. This I believe is the only way we will continue to prosper as a species. The only way forward is
The world we know of today has mixed emotions of love and hatred. There are some days where the love stands out, while some days people are filled with anger and hatred. The set of short stories I read, “What We Do For Love,” aspected the days of love and kindness in a way I wouldn’t haven’t been able to. This category was able to say that having a loving and nurturing community makes life easier than a community with disagreements and hatred.
Every day I drown in words of hate… The words that come out of the terrifying monsters known as humans. There’s no escape from the monsters, no place to hide and no one to trust. I am ashamed to live in this filthy world that is only filled with hate and criticism and I have no faith left in humanity. Why does the world have to be so racist, homophobic or transphobic when they can just be quiet? Why can’t the world just accept everyone for who they are and what they look like? Why can’t the world be less judgemental? Why can’t the world be a safe place for everyone? I guess my hopes were way too high and I must keep them small…
Therefore, not hating is simply not enough. If we see somebody in the halls being called names, being pushed around or being threatened, most of us would just walk by without saying a word. However, we are also the same people who would then go home and complain and share a number of posts about tragedies happening around the world. How do we justify these actions? Mahatma Gandhi once said “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”. If we want to evolve from this hate-filled society, we must start right here. It is imperative that we stop neglecting our problems, show love for those around us and help everyone we
Every time I go on social media, I notice that the country I live in is slowly becoming more and more divided. In a country where innocent Black lives are taken by those who promised them living rights, where Muslims are labeled as terrorists, where undocumented immigrants are threatened to be deported, where innocent lives are suffering, it is difficult to find the light in darkness. America is a land filled with an abundance amount of diversity with people from different races, cultures, countries, languages and religions. The only ingredient that is missing to help society tackle these challenging times filled with hatred and ignorance, is unity. Unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. Unity is what makes individuals from different backgrounds unite together to build bridges to cross over tough times. As I've become older and wiser, I’ve learned that with unity and diversity of all people, the world can morph into a more accepting society.
What I think we should all do at this point is see the beauty that is around us, or more importantly see the beauty in each other. We can’t live in a world where we receive hatred on social media or more in real life. Everywhere you go there's always going to be hatred, but if we don’t start with each other then how are we going to stop this?
In today's society, there are just so many things going wrong. We have shootings going on more often, we have riots all over, and we have terrorists threats now, and maybe it is because people just don't see the good in anything anymore. It all starts with us as humans. We have trashed this place, we are becoming evil, we are becoming our own enemy, we are killing people, and we are putting others down for no reason. The big question is, why? Why are we so mean to each other? Some people could say it is because we don't love ourselves, maybe because they have had something traumatic happen in their lives and it's hard to see the good, maybe because we have made poor choices and we think it is too late, maybe because they aren't religious,