Today I found two pennies on the ground. If you look at them, one of them is very old and the other one is basically new. If you look closer one of them has the Lincoln memorial on it and the other has a shield. But if you look even closer they both have 6 things in common. But the things they both have are the most important. They both have “Abe Lincoln”, “One Cent”, “United States of America”, “Liberty”, “In God We Trust”, and “E Pluribus Unum.” But what I am trying to say is it doesn’t matter what year it is America is America, it doesn’t matter who is president America is America. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years will go by and everything will be
With that statement we get to the last part of what America means to me, freedom. I live in America, a nation of the free and the home of the brave. This is so important to recognize, because it shows how blessed I am. In the world right now, there are crazy events occurring, people dying everyday, individuals fighting for freedom, and looking for a home. I see it on the news everyday, but it never seemed important to me until now. During the revolution countless lives were lost, but with that loss there was a great gain, independence and freedom. Freedom isn’t just some word that gives you the ability to think, believe, speak, or worship, it gives hope and safety. Being in America is a privilege and the rights that come with it are a blessing. In the end, I am proud to be an American, to be a beacon of hope for those who need, yet I feel something it gone. The irony of this all is that we are not free, but taken captive by the sin around us. Over the years God has been lost among it all. This definition of freedom isn’t earthy freedom, not heavenly freedom. This has been something roaming inside my mind for awhile now. My nation is falling about at the seems, the foundation has fallen apart and it is now taking its building, America, with
The United States of America has seen great change throughout its history. While a considerable amount of time has matured the nation, the core spirit of the American people remains unaffected. In spite of all the wars fought and problems that arose, the
I am an active member of my school and community. At school I feel that i've gained the respect of my peers being elected as Student Council representative for the past four years. I have also been elected the treasurer of the choir, and secretary of the band. I am part of the Ross Middle School bucket drumming group and have been casted as part of the school theatre’s annual play. After school on Wednesdays I assist Ms. Rullman in helping students with homework and enhancing study methods. I am currently participating in science olympiad and have in the past. I am also an anchor on the popular Good Morning Ross Middle School weekly news show. In addition, I have been a part of National Junior Honor Society which takes part in service projects
That is exactly what I did. I am glad I fought because if I didn't fight I wouldn't be here today to tell you my story that has made me who I am today. Even though I had some difficulties learning in school I didn't get discouraged I tried my hardest and wouldn't give up and because I didn't give up I am currently nineteen years old and about to graduate from high school and have been on honor roll for four years in a row and was inducted into The National Honor Society my sophomore.
From its humble beginnings, the United States of America has expressed its intention to assist individuals who desired freedom by serving as an exemplar of liberty. Originally, Americans sought to preserve their republic by avoiding all foreign altercations and external constraints. At the dawn of the nineteenth century, in his first inaugural address Thomas Jefferson warned his audience of the potential dangers of foreign affairs by stating, “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none,” pleading for a delicate balance between national security and commerce. This sentiment on foreign policy was reiterated on July 4, 1821, by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams when he said, “America does not go abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.” At the dawn of the 21st century, the implications from Adam’s statement are no longer consistent with the demands of American national security. The key tenets of the Bush doctrine, democratization and preemption, have deviated from Adam’s vision and redefined United States foreign policy for the 21st century.
First off, you must know that I completely and utterly adore you. I have never found a celestial being as extraordinary as you. I had the chance to see you in all your glory but sadly did not get to meet you personally, shake your hand and thank you for everything you do. I love your villainous ways (even though you are my HERO), being bad really never looked so good! Please don't take me as some weird fag-hag. I just enjoy you because you wreak havoc everywhere you go. I really wish those feminazis, and the other shameless people of the left had as much pride as you do. You make America Great Again ("Daddy's" just the cherry on top)! I don't have a question, I just ask that you keep being your beautiful amazing self, and offending all the
America is a wonderful place to live, because we are free. Freedom is important, and many people in other countries do not have much freedom. I am glad I have a place like this to grow up in; where I know that I can be equal with other races and other genders. Also, I am glad I have a place like this that will respect me and I know it will be a great place to have my children grow up in.
First I want to thank you for contacting me as humbly requested by my friend, I was very surprised to hear from you but then I am also very grateful that you contacted me. I am 6"1, Irish/English by birth , 55 years of age, raised in England. I came to the United States a year ago to help a British construction company set up a branch but due to some internal issues between the board of directors in England they had to shut down the company just before it even started so I decided to remain in the United States and started working as an independent Contractor. Currently I am in South Africa busy with a project and after completion of the project I will be back to the U.S in 4 weeks time. Summerville, SC is home for me when I get back to the states.
I really enjoyed your speech today at Gettysburg, PA. What I think is overshadowing your plan is that reporters are only focusing on your comment:
I just want to say thank you to all of the veterans out there and also for those who have been in a war. I believe that we can make America a better place not just for me or you but for everyone if we can make America better then we can just get along with each other. The America that I believe in is loving and caring, I think that we can make America better and that we can all get along with each other and that we will not fight over anything or anyone. I wish that was our America and it can be if we all work together, we can get our beautiful America to the way we want it to be if we can just stop with all of this fighting. After that we can get along with each other and we will get that America one day and I know that we will get that America if we can all work together.
A few weeks ago, I was assigned to give a speech in my communications class about my background. After giving my speech, my professor excitedly approached me and said “wow, that was very inspirational. When I saw you, I thought you were just a privileged, pretty boy whose parents worked in the tech industry.” Believe it or not, this is not the first time I have gotten this reaction.
Thank you guys for inviting me on Good Morning America, I really appreciate it. Before I answer your questions, let me say that i love this show, and I will never forget this moment in my entire life. First off, the Revolution is so great because we get to make our own food, every animal on that farm is treated equally, and we all are just like you viewers out there. In our freetime, we roll around in the mud, play tag with each other, and we watch sportscenter on the ESPN channel (plain folks).
Imagine you are at church on Sunday morning praying, when all of a sudden the cops pull up. The cops demand to come into the church and take all the people that are praying. The cops grab you by the arm, you have no choice but to go with them. You ask the cop why are you being arrested the cop replies, “You are not supposed to be following this religion.”
In today’s society technology revolves around everything even in the union. Within the United States, President Obama gave a speech to the union about advancing America’s economy and making America a better place to live and how he plans to do so with the senate’s agreement. In defense, President Obama, in this speech is a technology optimist because he puts the idea that he wants to use the new technology to advance the society in a good way to help people in need and for a better nation. Some of Obama’s assertions were about working on being more efficient, becoming independent in energy, solving the job issue, education, and Healthcare.
English class seemed to be the most dreadful to take within school. Writing essays for most of my grade in a class is not what I was looking forward too. When I entered college I knew that it would be one of many challenging classes I would have to take. Starting from the lowest English class to moving on up, the writing assignments became longer and more thought out. The time came when I got into this class that I knew more work was going to have to be put into essays and thus brought out what I had not seen before in my work progress.