Although there are many satisfying students in school everyday some can be trouble makers like stealing things out of lockers, and vandalising the school and after school hours. Many off of campus students could make a major problem for graffiti after school hours.
First and foremost the most outstanding way to stop graffiti in school districts is that you can hire security guards during the day and after school hours to secure the school building and outside perimeter.The security guards can also bring dogs for anyone learning the campus.
In addition another outstanding way to stop vandalism is security cameras to catch the culprits and where there are planning and when they are doing it so they can be stopped. Security cameras are good for
Next, we had security guards. I don’t really remember exactly how many we had, but they frequented problem areas of the school. The lunchroom was a major problem place, and the surrounding hallways where students would eat and do homework. There would also be security guards that walked around the “unfrequented” parts of the school. The security guards would also go outside and monitor the path, and the students crossing as well. Next, we had a desk at the front of the school with a security guard that doesn’t leave during the day. Vistors were required to sign in and report to the office. For awhile, we had a security guard that went around and looked around the parking lot, looking for suspicious things. Now, there is a van that drives around the parking lot keeping it secure as well. Next, we have to evaluate the potential risks and threats. At Grand Blanc, we didn’t have metal detectors, so being able to slip in with a knife, or something small, like this student did, would be a problem. Also, big bags such as purses, athletic bags and backpacks are problems as well because without metal detectors we do not know what are in the bags. Another potential risk is the unfrequented areas of the school. Even though there are cameras, there are enough cameras that you cant watch every one every time. With the unfrequented areas of the school, a student could create something destructive- it could be a considerable amount of time before someone passes by.
Today there are world known graffiti artists, Aryz, Kaws, and D Face are just a few. Any artist wants to be recognized and have their work appreciated. That is why public property is so appealing to the graffiti artist. A train car moving throughout the city with your mural on it will be seen by hundreds, even if its up for a small period of time. Most graffiti artists take time to create a piece. It takes a lot of planning and effort to make a great piece of art. Graffiti artists are all about techniques, you need to be able to show you are an expert in your medium. It’s also important for a graffiti artist to find an imaginative spot for a mural, so it’s obvious that it’s hard work. To make graffiti a piece of art it must have purpose and inflict emotion on its audience, which is why the forcefulness of the urban environment is as much as part of the artwork as the graffiti itself. Taggers have no real reason to create graffiti. Nor is what they do visually pleasing.
The author, Kay Jamison talks about her life with bipolar I disorder in her book, An Unquiet Mind. Jamison was a Caucasian woman who at the age of forty seven wrote this memoir. Currently she is seventy years old and dealing with her disorder. She spent her life moving around a lot because her father was an air force pilot. She grew up with an older brother who was very caring and an older sister that she bumped heads with. Kay’s father was a really delightful person. His emotions were contagious. Her mother was always helpful and caring for her family no matter how busy she was. Kay’s parents were supporting in all her interests; such as pets, poetry, science, and medicine. When she was fifteen, things took a turn and her family moved to California for her father’s new job as a scientist. Her father began to show worsening signs of depression. Around the age of sixteen, Kay realized that she was having mood swings that were very drastic. In her senior year of high school, she had her first manic depressive attack. She started her undergraduate study at UCLA dealing with her constant depression and manic episodes. As she was studying as an undergraduate, Kay began to take an interest in psychology. She pursued her PhD in psychology at UCLA again studying mood disorders. As a graduate student, she also began working in the psychiatric ward and dealing with marital problems in her first marriage. She was slowly spiraling out of control until she had a terrifying
Vandalism has been at Kapolei Middle School for a while and I bet people are sick and tired of it. When I first saw this school I thought it was great, but when I got to see it a bit more I saw tons of vandalized places. I saw swear words behind beams, on the walls and even reproductive parts drawn on doors and walls. I think many students do this they keep vandalizing things even art work on a classroom wall when my journalism teacher told me that I could do this story he said that someone drew inappropriate male parts on the artwork he put outside of his classroom.
Accordingly, graffiti is atrocious, who wants to see someone else artwork on their school? Kids will start thinking that this is the right thing to do when it is not. People look at graffiti everywhere in life, and they don’t want their kids to be looking at is when they go to school. It is very distracting to the human eye too. This can and will teach others to start doing this, so then when students
You're walking down the street and looking around at all the unbelievable graffiti art all over the walls, then realize that people are getting fined and prosecuted for doing it. People of the DPM crew in London were creating amazing art on a lot of regular walls to make a walk down the street more enjoyable, but then they were put in jail for 11 years because of it, and they had to pay 1.3 million dollars for graffiti related damages (Cathcart-Keays). There should not be laws for graffiti, because it can represent a lot more than just a drawing, and it doesn’t affect anyone in a bad way.
The Graffiti workshop is a unique team building activity and where better to do it than in Berlin – the graffiti capital of Europe! Ideally is 2 hours for this activity.
Graffiti composing and street art are regularly mistaken for each other. Both are subversive craftsmanship developments where work is shown in broad daylight as opposed to an exhibition setting. While graffiti specialists put their work in broad daylight, as a rule they are not intrigued by people in general comprehension their work; they need to address other graffiti craftsmen. Road craftsmen need everybody to see and be locked in by their work. They are attempting to create an impression. Graffiti composing and road workmanship are firmly related contemporary craftsmanship developments; be that as it may, they vary regarding strategy, capacity and expectation. Graffiti is as old as human progress. Graffiti is the importance of drawings or
What is graffiti? Graffiti has been thought of as art and vandalism at the same time, but the reasons for it are different not having approval and the meaning behind what they put up being inappropriate, would be considered vandalism. In my opinion, it's both but it depends . Art is completely different considering it's actually appropriate.
Graffiti is considered art and is becoming increasingly recognized as a legitimate art.Graffiti can be color or in black and white.The laws on public property if chout you can go to prison or get find up to 10,000 dollars . Offenders can go to prison for ten years or more. Graffiti may also express underlying social and political messages.Well, my school need a way to stop graffiti. My thinking is you can get security guards to what's the schools and at night and on the weekends. Graffiti is illegal if you don't ask for permission of the property owner graffiti is colorful but
This is the art of our cities youth. We should step back and let it pour out. ¨Today, many of the same officers support graffiti initiatives for city beautification,¨ (article #5) the same officers that had killed these kids before for their crime, now applaud then for beatification. ¨The growth of graffiti in Brazil, and itś role in changing the status quo, demonstrates the power of art, and itś ability to create dialog.¨ Lu Olivero in Article #5 describes the power of art, how it can change the community and give kids job opportunities and lower crime rates. But most of all it brings in color to the dark areas where color is needed, like what the school did in the video we watched. By using Graffiti, color is introduced to the places where it can make the most
In the first place, graffiti is illegal, there are an abounding amount of methods to remove graffiti from our school! Build a high fence, the fence is an exceptional idea. Why, being, it can keep the graffiti people away, and our walls will be safe again! Otherwise, they can install security cameras, or demand people to watch over the walls at night and have shifts. Another method is, they can assign classrooms to adopt parts of our walls, so that can stop the vandalizing kids to
Graffiti is a way that people express themselves, but when it is at the school it should not be permitted. Cameras on school ground can prevent this from happening. If one student in the school gets caught, more and more students will hear and be terrified to go along with this vandalizing skeam. Students wouldn’t feel as secure as they would if there are cameras surrounding them while ravishing their
Even though Graffiti has been used in numerous schools, now schools are trying to stop the Graffiti. These reasons are why schools should stop the Graffiti.
Graffiti is a big problem in our generation. It’s everywhere, on streets, bathrooms, and most importantly schools. When I walk around my school I want it to look clean and well furnished, I don’t want to see the school riddled with big amounts of graffiti. In this essay I am going to explain ways to stop and get rid of graffiti.