
Grammatical and Lexical Changes 1550 -1700 Essay

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Today, like during the renaissance when it could be said that the English language developed the most, there is no shortage of people who comment and have opinions on the development of the English Language. In an essay entitled English our English John Marenbon (1987) talks of the necessity to include Latin in the national curriculum to aid the English student in their study, he also says that any Englishman who does not have a grasp of Latin is "(A) stranger to his own culture" (note the patriarchal ideological inscription in not including females who speak or study English in his comments!). The influence of Latin on the English Language is of course, not to be overlooked, not only do we have words which directly come from Latin such as …show more content…

It is during this period that many of the great changes occurred in English society. It is common sense that as new discoveries occur, as do changes to the language. E.g. in more modern times we have seen the emergence of the internet/ worldwide web. Not only are these two new words/phrases but also they have sprung, not necessarily new words but different meanings to existing words e.g. "surfing the web."

The term renaissance means "rebirth", it occurred in England during this time c1550-1700 and saw not only many new inventions but also widespread re-reading of the Greek and Latin texts of the classical period.

Baugh and Cable (2002) talk of three main developments in society which accelerated the development of the English language.

The invention of the printing press was very important, not only was this the best way to mass produce texts so they were more accessible to the public, but due to the large number of people able to acquire books (due to increased literacy), a general standard of English was required in order for these texts to be read and understood by all. Of course, those in favour of creating a general standard of English for everyone now had the means to communicate their ideas to a wide readership, this is another way in which amendments to

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