
Flannery O Connor Misfit

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A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor is a short story about good and evil. Critics have argued that one should interpret the story as a parable of grace and redemption but others disagree, and argue that one needs to find other meanings of the text. When reading this story, some readers believe this story is actually a moment of grace and redemption just as the author wants us to, but other readers believe this is not a story of grace and redemption, but a story that shows a self-centered grandmother, that would say and do anything to save herself. I believe that the grandmother in this story did not have a “moment of grace” but a moment in which she tried to save herself from being killed by the Misfit. While some believe the …show more content…

“Flannery O’Connor’s Misfit and the Mystery of Evil” by John Desmond argues that the Grandmother considers herself to be a good Christian woman, a lady who believes in Jesus, and has manners, but some of her characteristics are portrayed as evil (Desmond 150). Desmond’s perspective of the story is that he believes the misfit is the evil character, but as the story goes on he changes his opinion to the grandmother being the evil character. In this article Simone Weil explains how “evil exposes the true good” (150). But no one is totally “good;” Desmond says good and evil are intertwined in all human beings “(Desmond 144). Different encounters reveals the good and evil. As in the story when the Grandmother begs to go to Tennessee so she lies about a “secret panel” just so she wouldn’t have to go (150). This shows her selfishness which bought about the family’s accident. This takes away her self-image as a “good” woman. The Grandmother tried to label “good” on the Misfit, but O’ Connors theology is that “evil has no being, and that evil always appears as a good to the one who commits it” (Desmond 144). The grandmother’s encounter with the misfit tests her religious beliefs when he rejects her appeal to him to pray for Jesus’s help (Desmond 150). This is important because she tried to force her religion on the Misfit but her religious beliefs could be …show more content…

In Flannery O’Connor’s Spoiled Prophet,” T.W. Hendricks says “compared to the other characters, the grandmother is a figure of grace and dignity (Hendricks 130). Hendricks describes how the Grandmother dresses carefully for the trip because she is a lady, and how she is polite to strangers and sympathetic to the poor (130). He also shows some of the good things the grandmother does such as when the children giggle when they see a half-dressed black child, she reminds them that black children in the country “don’t have the things we do.” She is proud of the history and geography of the region and tries to interest the children in their heritage. Also she keeps the children from throwing their sandwich wrappers out the car windows, plays games with them, breaks up their squabbles, and tries to improve their manners (130). Hendricks also mentions how the Grandmother shows grace at the end of the story. He states that Flannery O’ Connor “makes it clear in the letter to Betty Hester, Andrew Lytle, and John Hawkes that she intended the grandmother, in her final moments, to have been led by grace to be personally concerned about the Misfit” (Hendricks 136). Hendricks also talks about the bible aspect of the story. The misfit speaks about how Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. The Misfit explains what if he would have seen Jesus raised from the dead, he would not be the person he is today. Hendricks believes the

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