
Graphic Organizer Essay

Decent Essays

Graphic Organizer Explanation

My graphic organizer is first broken down into three sections, based on the main headings found in the curriculum document. From there I grouped the overall expectations together in a way that I felt I would teach the course. This created six units. I decided that rates of change would be the first topic cover, as it takes knowledge that students have learned in the previous course and expands on ideas and concepts.The overall concept of rates of change had three overall expectations, which I broke down into three units. The first unit covers expectations that require students to demonstrate an understanding and make connections regarding rates of change. I feel that it is important for students to gain a …show more content…

From the previous units students have the knowledge and the skills needed to solve real world problems and develop mathematical models. The graphical rules and connections made in units 2 and 3 will set the students up for the curve sketching that will be covering in this unit. I have noticed many connections between the topic of rates of change and derivatives and their applications. The graphical rules are established in the overall expectations for rates of change. This leads students directly into curve sketching and applying those rules to solve real world problems. Without first having the built a clear understanding of the rules and seeing the connections between the different representations of a function and its derivative students may stubble on the application process. Where these skills are required in order to solve the problems …show more content…

This unit focuses on lines, planes, and vectors. I have placed this at the very end because I feel that students need to gain an understanding of vectors before they move on to lines and planes in two and three space. Students who have taken physics will be familiar with vectors and I feel would be more prepared to move on to the lines and planes portion of the expectations before those who have not taken any physics course. Even though there many be students who are familiar with vectors I still feel that it is important to start with the basic understanding of vectors and move on from there. This allows everyone to be on the same page and progress through the course

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