
Grease: Musical Analysis

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Grease was a musical production performed by the Metropolitan State University of Denver's department of theatre, in later September and early October of 2015. Grease is a musical mainly about two characters Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson. These two fell in love over the summer, but then reality hits them when it's time for school to start again. Well, Sandy ends up transferring to Rydell High School where Danny attends. Danny acts like he doesn't know Sandy and wants nothing to do with her, but Sandy just wants their summer love back and is willing to completely change herself for Danny to love her again. During Metropolitan's performance of this musical, there were multiple production elements that stood out: an actor's attitude, improvising …show more content…

She was someone to not like in this musical. During the musical Rizzo's character has to kiss another character named Kenickie multiple times. When the girl who played this role was making out with the guy, it was far too intense. It was disturbing to watch and there was a desire for it to stop immediately. While she was kissing this man, her eyes were all over the audience, sometimes staring in one direction. This made it seem like she was trying to brag about something the audience cared less about. Another reason Rizzo's character was someone not to favor, was her dancing at the prom. She went overboard just like with the kissing, and was grinding a little too much for the intensions of the scene. Rizzo was portrayed by someone who was aiming for too much sexual tension rather than joyful for the …show more content…

During the scene at The Burger Palace, there was a part where Danny was lifted on to the table. When Danny was being lifted he slipped, slightly messing up the flow. During this time they were singing too, but he kept singing during the slip. It was hardly noticeable because nobody on the stage stopped to acknowledge it, they just kept breezing through the musical. It was very impressive that after a quick slip like that, he was still able to keep singing continuously. Also, the guys lifting him did a very good job of fixing the mistake and lifting him onto the

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