
Greasy Lake Theme Essay

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Greasy Lake The primary theme of. Boyle's "Greasy Lake" is the journey that people take to their own dark sides, although the propensity of males toward violence is also a theme. The story begins with three men heading out for an adventure that soon goes wrong and ends up changing the narrators personality by making a change of maturity towards the end .
Three young men are about to undergo a rite of maturity that will take them from innocence to experience and from the last vestiges of childhood into the opening round of maturity. The unnamed narrator and his friends Jeff and Digby are what would today be referred to as poseurs although what they are really are merely young men struggling to find their identity in an increasingly confusing …show more content…

None of the boys said they have, but the protagonist thought to himself that their friend was dead and lying in the river. He was terrified of this, and he did not have the courage to tell them about the dead body. Young people do not show fear when they think that they can handle a situation. This can be caused by the fact that when they are together they think that they can do a lot with no harm coming their way. This is made worse when they take alcohol and other substances that distort their thinking and reasoning and increase their confidence. The narrator perceives that they were dangerous characters meaning that they were to be feared and they were not afraid of anything. The thought of him having killed a person and the possibility of facing the law scares him. The little epiphany he has in the story is when he feels something soft and he is not sure what it is. This makes him more scared and his fear is heightened when he realizes that it is another dead body. At that time, he realizes the consequences if his actions. This story shows how a person can grow and become mature overnight after realizing the consequences of his actions. The next morning gives the three young men another chance to

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