The Great Depression had many effects on the American people.
Some effects on the american people are. Not trusting the banks as much as they use to, Also they need to store their money in walls which makes it hard to get money back. And food is a option, How would you be able to stay alive if you have no food?, You need to buy food with money. Also the children would leave their family so families wouldn’t have to feed anymore mouths. And sense the dry farm land it causes dry storms or a dust storm a dust storm hit they called it the “Dust Bowl” Because of the bowl like shape and the dusty contains.
Another way the great depression affected the people was children, The children would leave their families to help them, So they have one
• The United States Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, making it impossible for the United States to join the League of Nations.
How did the great depression affect the united states? The great depression affected the united states in many ways, but one of the major factors that affected the united states during the great depression was the economy plummeting. The Great Depression was caused by investing in stocks, The stock market crashing and unemployment rates. One of the reasons why the Great Depression was caused is because of investing in stocks. "Suppose a man marries at the age of 23 and begins a regular saving of fifteen dollars a month and almost anyone who is employed can do that if he tries. if he invests in good common stocks and allows the dividends to accumulate, he will a the end of 20 years have at least eighty thousand dollars and an income from
In "The Dust Bowl" the author states, "Unfortunately, during the Great Depression, the Great Plains were hit hard with both a drought and horrendous dust storms, creating what became known as the Dust Bowl." Because of the drought and dust storms, farmers couldn't grow crops, meaning they couldn't make money, nor eat. According to "The Dust Bowl", "Banks would then foreclose on the small farms and the farmer's family would be both homeless and unemployed." Meaning because farmers couldn't grow crops to pay off debt, the banks would have to foreclose on the farms. So the Great Depression deeply impacted farmers in negative
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was the president during the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. The Dust bowl is a period of time when there was no rain over the middle states of the US. The Great Depression marked the beginning of a economic decline, beginning in 1929 with the crashing of the the stock market. Both events took place simultaneously, which had tremendous impacts on residents in the U.S. Many people were unemployed and in financial debt. FDR helped to get the county back on track. Roosevelt passed acts that had big impacts on poor farmers such as the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), Farm Credit Act, Frazier Lemke Bankruptcy Act, The Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act.
A disaster that occurred in the economy was known as the Great Depression which affected people socially, economically, and politically. In 1928 President Herbert Hoover gets elected president of the United States. It was not easy for people at this time. They learn many things like once the banks recover they do not trust them anymore. The Great Depression lasted 10 years.
To debate on how the United States changed during the great depression and the postwar era is a obvious discussion.First to start off with some simple topics is, how the the economy changed is the roles changed.And the men were mostly in war moreover some older teenagers.It also changed the roles from women from being home moms to factory workers furthermore African Americans from north to south.The warfare diversely differed from the great depression because of the atom bombs and nuclear bombs.
The Great Depression started in 1929 and lasted up until 1939. It happens to be the worst economic downturn for the United States and the the rest of the world. It caused companies and corporations to eventually go bankrupt as well as workers to be laid off. Another effect of The Great Depression is that factory production was reduced, and the banks started to shut down. In the lowest point of The Great Depression in 1933 nearly 15 million workers in America were unemployed and one half of the banks started shutting down.
The topic I would like to choose for the historical investigation is Great Depression. I would like to choose this topic for the historical investigation because it effected so many different aspects of the history. The Great Depression was considered to be the worst collapse of the America’s capitalism. Furthermore, it occurred for almost a decade. The research question I would like to explore is: “What was the impact of the Great Depression on society: African Americans, Mexicans, and women?” I would like to explore this because I would like to know how the Great Depression impacted the various ethnic groups and genders as to what type of struggles they faced, opportunities they received, and so on compared to today.
The Great Depression was one of the biggest events in the 1920s since it had huge effects both socially and economically. Starting with the stock market crash, millions of investors were bankrupted and thousands of workers were unemployed. Over the next several years, not only did the consumer spending drop, the number of investment lowered as well. Until 1939, when the President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the "Relief and reform measures" which finally help the economy to restart. Through two different disciplines, two different authors analyze how the Great Depression affect the Americans both economically and anthropologically. Christina D. Romer and Glen H. Elder, Jr, the two authors of two separate articles analyzes the
“Shrunken perhaps by the vicissitudes and exigencies of the times, Broadway presented itself admirably throughout the Thirties. It not only managed to preserve the best, but also nurtured and expanded them. At the brink of the new decade, Broadway stood smaller but brighter”
The Great Depression was extremely devastating to the Americans because the stock market crashed, which caused the wealthy and poor to become similar. On October 24, 1929; Black Tuesday; stockholders lost billions of dollars, banks began to fail, and unemployment increased rapidly. Furthermore, banks were failing because deposits in the bank was uninsured to where people lost their savings completely and banks that were open made life for people stricter based on how they communicated business. Moreover, many couples did not participate in being married during the Great Depression because of the low income being brought in and many people did not have children during this time.
Few Americans in the first months of 1929 saw any reason to question the strength and stability of the nation's economy. Most agreed with their new president that the booming prosperity of the years just past would not only continue but increase, and that dramatic social progress would follow in its wake. "We in America today," Herbert Hoover had proclaimed in August 1928, "are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land. The poorhouse is vanishing from among us."1
The Great Depression affected all Americans in certain ways. In Alan Brinkley’s Voices of Protest he contends that although the wealthy lost some of their fortunes during this time, they were the leaders of corporations, business, and industrial manufacturing plants that produced products still need and utilized by the rest of the country. They employed fewer employees at lower wages, and produced less product, but they were able to maintain a profit to sustain their wealth. The poor were already poor, so their lot in life remained the same, finding jobs at low wages or continuing to receive assistance from the community, charity organizations, or the state. Brinkley asserts that the hardest hit group was the middle-class, these were the independent merchants and owners of small businesses, office and industrial managers, and clerks. They previously possessed a job, earning enough income to own an automobile, a home, have money saved in a bank, and respected members of the community. Because of the G.D. most lost their jobs, taking part time work at lower wages. The independent merchants could not compete with the national chain stores, resulting in most having to close their stores. The banks were short on revenue and called in their debt, the middle-class unable to make payments on their mortgages or autos lost them. This was a time most banks declared bankruptcy and those depositors who had money in the bank lost their savings. The G.D. eliminated most of
What was the world’s greatest economic disaster and left millions of citizens unemployed for years? The Great Depression was a major economic disaster which left the people of the world shocked. Many countries were already left in a bad position due to the effect of World War I. Countries that bought and sold on the international market were affected. The United Kingdom, France, and Germany were just a few of the affected countries that had a difficult time getting their country back to great economic shape.
The Great Depression is a defining moment in time for not only American, but world history. This was a time that caused political, economical, and social unrest. Not only did the Great Depression cause a world wide panic, it also caused a world wide crisis unlike any before it. This paper will analyze both the causes and the effects of the Great Depression in the United States of America.