
Great Gatsby Title Analysis

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The not so “Great Gatsby” would be a good title for this chapter had Fitzgerald took the time to title each chapter. This is the first chapter where the reader meets Gatsby. The entrance of Gatsby is nothing short of average and it even has a dull tone to it. Fitzgerald builds up the intensity of the party drastically before Gatsby enters to show the reader that his reputation is much stronger than his actual character. Additionally, Fitzgerald also informs the reader with subtle hints that Gatsby’s life is missing something. That something would be a woman to share his life with. Also, although Nick said he reserves judgement of other people, his judgement of Gatsby trickles through the crack with their initial encounter. If Nick, the person who admires Gatsby to a great extent can find time to judge, it shows that Gatsby is tantamount to people with much less wealth than himself. Therefore, the Not so “Great Gatsby” would be an efficient title name. …show more content…

Fitzgerald picks up the intensity of the party the right before Gatsby enters. The author even says, “By midnight the hilarity had increased”. There were drunken men and women surrounding Gatsby’s yard along with loud music and people doing stunts. At a party of this scale, it is very easy for one to have their own privacy and not be noticed. This is just what Gatsby does. When Nick first begins speaking with Gatsby, he does not know he is even speaking with him. Nick thinks that this man is just a random party goer.To support this Gatsby goes on to say, “I thought you knew, old sport”. I believe Fitzgerald does this to show Gatsby’s real significance. This is showing, other than Gatsby’s vulgar display of wealth, that he is no more important or better than anyone else at the party. I also believe he does this to show how much Gatsby lacks in his actual

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