Recent studies from the article “Hammerhead shark migration gives new hope for conservation” discusses how these hammerhead sharks have been listed onto the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) since 2007, also having certain regulation about international trade threatening species going extinct. Dr. Tristian Guthridge explains the benefits of understanding the shark’s behavior and more research of where these sharks are migrating, and possibly manage the time of fishing in the areas to eliminate human and shark altercations. With the wide spread of ocean water it can be difficult to study the traveling of sharks; however, the research group was able to tag the sharks “with both acoustic and satellite tag, and use photo identification and laser photogrammetry” (Charlie Huveneers).
During the observation, the shark’s motions and
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Dr. Charlie Huveneers personal first hand data proved that the great hammerhead sharks are very migratory. Using this data to Tag, Photo, and researching their movements. He believes this can be very useful to the future of this endangered species. Great Hammerhead sharks travel a vast migration 3030 km or more. FUCK!! Oh my bad. I didn’t take my meds and shit. Anyway, using this information Dr. Huveneers considers that this species is being over fished by trophy hunters due to their long migratory patterns and range of environmental range. I personal believe that not only did Dr. Huveneers did an outstanding job on the research for this article. This article in a scholarly article a lot of scientific terms and evidence came alone with it. My understanding of these gorgeous animals shows a lot of appreciation not only for the science behind it all but the respect for this animal I share this world with. Needless to say, I do hope your respect for this animals are at the same level as
Personal Response: I read the book Surviving Sharks by Allan Zullo. It was not just about shark attacks. The book contained a different story every chapter with different characters and a different dangerous animal. The book was good and it held my attention throughout the entire book. There was no slow points in the book, which made the book easier to read.
In “What do you know about sharks?” by Sharon Guynup and “Great White Sharks” by Peter Benchley the clique thought of the “anthropophagous”, savage, and villainous shark is turned on its head. The two articles take widely accepted myths and debunk them with facts. Evidence that supports that the fish aren’t the vicious marine people-eaters that the media has depicted them as has been found. In this text the findings on the animal will be explored. This is the shark’s Real Bite.
Advancements in Marine Science and Technology are the main reasons why, more information is coming to light about these sharks migration patterns along the East Coast of the United States. Stated by Emily Tripp in her article Study uncovers great hammerhead shark migration (2011) “Using satellite tag technology, the research team was able to track one of these nomadic sharks for 62 days to discover its 1,200 kilometer (745 mile) journey from the coast of South Florida to the middle of the Atlantic off the coast of New Jersey.” (Para. 2) Satellite Technology is important to finding out the migration patterns of these sharks. This technology allows us to see the bigger picture and patterns the sharks follow under the waves. To get the Satellite
The predator role of the shark is invaluable to marine life. The Institute of Oceanography at The University of California developed a model of a Caribbean Marie ecosystem to research predator prey interaction. The food web created encompassed 250 species including sharks. The researchers found more than 3,000 links between the species. This gave researchers a better understanding of sharks and their significants as well as the consequences of human activity towards sharks. The over fishing of sharks is primarily attributed to shark finning; an inhumane activity that involves slicing off the shark’s fins while still alive and throwing the rest of its body back into the ocean where it can take days to die. Although shark fin is used in many asian traditions, supporting a global ban that strictly regulates shark finning will help save these magnificent creatures, local economies, and the ecosystem.
In the words of Julia “overexploitation threatens the future of many large vertebrates” (Buam et al.). For many years sharks have fallen victim to over fishing, pollution related death, and wasteful culling. According to Sullivan, Twenty percent of the world’s shark population is currently threatened with extinction. According
aka white sharks, white pointers, blue pointers, man-eaters, manila sharks, have, according to E. O. Wilson "...rightfully been called a top carnivore, a killing machine, the last free predator of man—the most frightening animal on earth.“Three were young sharks, which could not have travelled far from their birth place, confirming active nurseries in the Mediterranean. The mitochondrial DNA controls some regions that were by established by the ancestors of the Great White sharks.Some of them might come from from the Atlantic populations but from Pacific Australia and New Zealand. Sharks external ears are very hard to see, they only have just two small openings behind and above the eyes. The ears may be small, but they’re powerful. Inside, the cells can sense even the tiniest vibration in the water around them. Sharks also have an ‘ear stone’ that gives the animal clues as to where the others are in the water:.”The time, 450,000 years, suggested very few white sharks may have made a navigational error by following extensive of an exceptionally strong current, which at this time penetrated the cooler .The Benguela current goes farther north and west than at present. Sharks who swim east and north would have become entrapped in the Mediterranean, where natal philopatry of young would ensure population continuity. Potentially isolated Mediterranean white sharks propagate from a small founding
According to McComb, Tricas, & Kajiura (2009), there are several features of the hammerhead shark that have changed over time. Most notable, though, is that the shape of the head has continually expanded over time, emerging the the unique shape for which this species has been understandably named. Along with the lateral movement of the head, the sharks also had to compensate for the changes through adapting a new eye shape and process for pupil dilation as the placement of the eyes had also moved. Scientists believe that this adaptation helped the sharks by providing the ability to adjust their vision to changing light intensities when transitioning from deep to shallow waters for hunting. Additionally, the newer eye location provided hammerhead sharks with a greater overlap in their binocular fields as compared to their shark relatives, limiting the amount of space affected by blind spots within visual field (McComb et al., 2009). Ultimately, these structural adaptations enhanced the shark’s ability to hunt and survive in various parts of the
To kill, or not to kill? That was the question everyone was asking on the 6th of November, 2000, when Ken Crew was attacked and killed by a rogue shark off of Cottesloe Beach. Said shark also turned to attack Crew’s friend Dirk Avery who was able to escape with just a nip on the ankle and was soon followed by WA Fisheries Officials in a boat, one of whom was carrying a rifle and waiting for special permission from the Australian Government to shoot the shark. Eventually the Officials received an order to let the shark live but at that point the 5m long great white had disappeared into the ocean. The objective of this short essay is to examine the information the unit has given, develop an opinion on rogue sharks and then present my opinion as to whether rogue killer sharks should be killed or conserved.
I wrote this hoping to get people more interested in one of the world’s most fascinating creatures, the bull shark. I hope this research helps you learn about their migration,eating habits and body features. In conclusion I hope to get more people to research bull sharks and learn more about how great of creatures they
The Western Australian population like many others view sharks with trepidation and fear (Boissonneault, 2011). This is due in part to the media, which portrays sharks as a fierce and deadly adversary to the human race (Boissonneault, 2011). In response to the apparent increase in fatal shark attacks on their population, the Western Australian government has implemented the use of baited drum lines along some popular beaches (McCagh, Sneddon and Blache, 2015). This decision to increase the organised culling of the shark population in Western Australia can be attributed to the government’s fear of losing the faith and vote of confidence from the community whom they serve (Neff, 2012). There are many factors to consider when looking at the main
Strategy is not easily defined and furthermore the term is not exclusively related to just the business world. We can confidently say strategy is key to survival, not only in business but also in the animal kingdom. All animals under go a process of constant change in their physical appearance and in their behaviour. These changes take place over millions of years and the species that survive, do so because throughout their evolution they have perfected certain strategies that have enabled them to develop more successfully in the environment they inhabit. One such case of this successful development is the great hammerhead shark.
Great White Sharks have known to be a great source of fear throughout the numerous ages of sea exploration. With an average size of fifteen feet in length, it’s not hard to imagine why. They are the stuff of many nightmares, but they are largely misunderstood. There isn’t a lot of information on Great White behavior because many believe them to be an endangered species, due to dwindling food sources and overfishing. However, with conservation efforts, their numbers should rise and more studies can be done. The latest major discovery was just in 2014, which shows that with time, we can learn even more about them. In this paper I will study the sharks’ basic facts, their various behaviors, and the effect humans have on them.
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s article “The Brutal Business of Shark Finning” reminds us that sharks play a key role in the ocean as both predators and scavengers.
Sharks are one of the most feared carnivores in the sea. There are 365 species of of sharks in the sea as we know today. All sharks are carnivores. Most of them eat live fish, including other sharks. A shark's most common natural enemy is an another shark. Most sharks eat their prey whole, or they tear off large chunks of the bodies. Some sharks crush their prey. Others take out small pieces off flesh from large fish. Sharks also feed on dead or dying animals. Sharks have the reputation of attacking human beings. But less than 100 shark attacks a year are reported throughout the world. Sharks are most common in warm seas and oceans. Whale sharks, are the largest shark known to man. Sharks are classified in the order
Beginning with the simplest one-celled organism, an extraordinary animal rose in the murky waters entitled to a non-comparable killing-eating machine. This organism has become nature’s most genuine and most successful creature that it has remained unchanged for over 250 million years. Nature finally invented the perfect king of the sea. This animal has given the sea it’s “living” adjective; in turn, it was entitled—the “great white shark.”