
Great Impact Of Alexander The Great

Decent Essays

The word “Mesopotamia” has its origins in Greek and its literal meaning is “the land between two rivers” . The four main civilizations that dominated Mesopotamia were the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians, which all had very notable leaders like Gilgamesh, Sargon 1, Ashurbanipal, Nebuchadnezzar and etc.… However, according to me, the most significant and important character of the Mesopotamian civilization was Hammurabi. Hammurabi was the king of Babylon from 1792 to 1750 BC, and he was the person who created and followed the famous saying “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. Today we are in the 21st century, and most of us still live by that rule, additionally this saying is also mentioned in the bible and followed by …show more content…

Alexander became king at the young age of 20, and was the king of the geek city called Macedon. Despite his young age, he was a fierce leader and by the age of 30 he had conquered the world (Asia, North Africa and Greece). Alexander extended his empire into India, founded 20 new cities, defeated the Persians, and declared himself as Son of God. He was known as one of the best military geniuses of all time and had never lost a war. Another reason that makes him ‘great’ is that he was able to untie the Gordian knot. The Gordian knot was a knot so complicated that no one was able to untie it despite the efforts of hundreds of people, which is why various myths state that whoever unties the Gordian knot will be the ruler of the world. In 333BC, Alexander came across the Gordon Knot. After a couple of attempts, he was unable to untie it so he raised his sword and cut the knot open. The fact that Alexander had the idea to just cut the knot (something that no one before him ever thought about) says a lot about his character. It shows that he was an intuitive, intelligent and shrewd …show more content…

During his lifetime, he was a strong ruler and after his death he became the god of the dead, of afterlife and of the underworld. The legend about Osiris’s death at the hand of his jealous brother Seth is one of the main reasons why the Egyptians believe in life after death. It is believed that after Isis (Osiris’s wife) found Osiris’s dead body in Phoenicia, she brought the body back to Egypt and buried it. Set (Osiris’s brother and god of storm and violence) came to the place where the body was buried, tore the body up into pieces and scattered those pieces all over the country. After that, Isis again went to find her husband’s scattered pieces and brought them back and buried them in their rightful place. There are various different versions of this myth that all end by stating that Osiris was restored to life and became the king of the underworld. This myth about Osiris’s resurrection then became an important part of the Egyptian’s believe in the life after

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