As a Canadian scientist, who had been living along the shores of the Great Lakes, I feel a necessity to write this editorial regarding the State of the Great Lakes, condition of which has worsened in the past couple decades. They are an important economic resource, supporting shipping, industry, fishing, tourism, and, thus, needs to be protected. Water pollution in a unique ecological system called the Great Lakes has recently become a national problem for the two countries - the USA and Canada. The primary ways by which the Great Lakes were polluted for many centuries include wastewater discharge, toxic pollution of water with heavy metals and pesticides, soil erosion, as well as urbanization and, consequently, air pollution.
Lake Huron is one of the most polluted fresh water lakes in America. It covers about 189 000 kilometers squared, and it is a component of the Lauretian Great Lakes. It drains to the Atlantic Ocean through St. Lawrence River. It receives an inflow from Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, while it drains to Lake Erie. The population surrounding the lake is about 3 million, which also contribute to its pollution (Ylvisaker 28).
Many contaminants settle out of the atmosphere, such as acid rain, the pollutants and nutrients will transport from distant places by air depositing into the lake as the form of rain. The first pollutants as atmospheric deposition on the Great Lakes were phosphorus. It is found that about 20 percent phosphorus entering Lake Michigan comes from the atmosphere by determination of rain, snow and dust. Since phosphorus pollution generated by this approach cannot be controlled, so it is more urgent to reduce the phosphorus content of detergent, sewer and effluent fertilizers. People found fish in a lake of Lake Superior in a remote island containing PCBs and toxaphene, and this place isolated with no direct way to pollution. This determines the long-range transport of pollutants through the atmosphere and settlement in the lake. In fact the processes of material transport through atmospheric was very complex. For instance PCBs was insoluble in water, so as to re-enter the atmosphere during evaporation or connected together into small particles. A lot of PCBs volatilize from the lake, meanwhile, PCBs coming from various parts of the air mass experience the sedimentation on the lake. Other than that the contaminated sediment is another way to cause pollution of the lake. This is problems of the most urban industrial areas. Even if there is likely to remove severely contaminated sediments in
How does the garbage pollute the water? 22 million pounds of plastic enter the Great Lakes each year. Scientists found unknown of pollution that they fear because it poses risks to people by spreading toxic
Hudson, J. C., & Ziegler, S. S. (2014). Environment, Culture, and The Great Lakes Fisheries. Geographical Review, 104(4), 391-413.
In 1972 The United States and Canada signed the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement to try to control pollution in there waterways. Since then very little has improved. Scientists in Ohio studying the pollution
There are many problems in Ohio that require attention for them to be solved. One of our main problems in Ohio right now is the level of algae we have in our lakes and rivers. Having algae in our lakes and rivers is dangerous for our present and future. Having our community drink water with algae in it can get people sick and poisoned. There have been many large algae blooms within these past few years, and having no preparations for the algae in the water caused immense panic in the community. There were stores that limited one case of water per customer, and most stores didn’t even have any water after only a couple hours, while the tap water wasn’t safe for only three days. Given that we didn’t know how long the algae would be in our water, no one was prepared and officials couldn’t tell us exactly when the water would be clean again. Most of the phosphorus that causes the algae to grow comes from our crops, like corn and wheat, being fertilized. This algae causes terror in our community and causes people to react in terrible ways. We need to have a solution figured out so that the terror stops and our families are safe. Having no water is one of the worst situations for so many people to be in when they aren’t prepared for it. This is an issue not only for our community, but for our whole country.
Lake Erie had become extremely polluted and it needs your help! Because in the 1960 people dumped all their trash and pollutants into the lake. So the effect of that is it get blue green algae. People called lake erie the burning lake or the dead lake Lake Erie contained increased levels of phosphorus and nitrogen and the city took steps to improve its sewer system and better monitor water quality and fisheries sports anglers pulled five million walleye from the rejuvenated lake every year.Lake Erie had become polluted due to the due to heavy industry.
The Midwestern region of the United States, such a small corner of the world, is notorious for its prosperous agriculture and its abundant livestock population. Citizens of the Midwest, and consequently, the United States, rarely have to worry about where meals will come from or when the next time water will be available. Water fountains are a common sight within public places, specifically schools and workplaces, and each system reliably produces water at the touch of a button, every time, without fail. However, what happens when the dependability of water in the Midwest is compromised? Over the past decade, the water quality in Flint, Michigan, a town very close to Iowan homes, has seen a rapid decadence, given that the Flint River has been exposed to “the presence of fecal coliform bacteria, low dissolved oxygen, plant nutrients, oils, and other toxic substances,” though the main focus has
Pollution is a big thing going on right now globally. Generally in Canada its pollution to the air we breath and the water we drink. Did you know that Canada has 10 most polluted rivers- some of which are Petitcodiac River, Okanogan river and Eastmain River? The most frequent way the water in Canada get polluted is from dumping waste, cities, agricultural and industrial wastes. The great lakes is a big resource for both Canada and
The three main causes I believe have greatly polluted the water in Canada are oil, chemicals, and sewage. Water is polluted by oil leakage from automobiles as well as off and on shore transportation. Chemical waste plays a big factor on water pollution- usually
The U.S. has recently updated critical air quality standards, but Canada's National Ambient Air Quality Objectives date back to the 1970s.
When you think of problems in the world today, water pollution isn’t one that would normally come up. In fact it is one of the worst problems in the world today. Water pollution, by definition, is the contamination of streams, lakes, underground water, bays, or oceans by any substances harmful to living things. All living things contain water and most need water to survive, so water pollution is a big problem. If severe, the pollution can kill off birds, fish, and any animals that use the water source. In some cases even killing an entire species.
The industrialization of Canada is severely affecting the nations lakes, streams, and rivers. If something is not done to improve the situation it is going to have some severe environmental problems in its future. The following essay will be looking at the factors that cause pollution, and the effect that pollution has on the environment of Canada. It will also explore some of the methods used to treat and clean-up wastewater, and oil spills.
Since human’s activity, pollution becomes a big problem in the world. There are a lot of part of pollutions include water pollution, light pollution and air pollution. Air pollution is happened in our life. The United States is also a victim of air pollution. In 1943, Los Angeles photochemical smog event occurred. The whole of Los Angeles was covered with smoke. There are about 400 people died and a lot of fruits in orchards began to wither.
Air, is one of the most substantial source to mankind and our planet. While it exists, so does everything else along. However, in today’s epidemic, there has been certain factors that have increased in understanding whether the air we breathe today is healthy or not? Is it doing more harm than we thought? In other words, the health risks against air pollution have risen in the past few decades; all from what you may ask? Well, it could be for various factors and evaluations; either environmental or materialistic. Pollution is a major public health crisis in the world. (Friis, 2012). This is one of the conflicts that contribute to various aspects of an individual’s life, whether they may realize it or not. In this paper will include the sources that cause pollution with the effects it cause as well as policies on the regulation of air pollution.