There is no easy way to get around in the greater Houston area; if you’re not willing to drive 20 minutes or more (plus traffic, which is horrific) on any given day you may never leave home. The city and surrounding area (from Montgomery to Galveston and Brazoria counties) are built with automobiles at the center of their design strategy, this makes driving almost an absolute necessity. An automobile centered community design such as that of the greater Houston area promotes a phenomenon called urban sprawl, the effects of which can be detrimental to the environment as well as the health of a community.
In places such as Houston and Los Angeles, highways are built as the major transportation veins of the city from which all development springs.
In the article, “Zoning Won’t Save Houston, But Greener Rules Might” by Carson C. Lucarelli effectively explains how to make a better Houston. He uses rhetorical appeals in the tone of being informative and hopefulness to persuade the government and Houstonians of how to make a better Houston and to go green because there are many benefits and it will make Houston a better and safer city.
which place has highest number of Indians in or near Houston, the data is as follows:
There has been big changes in the U.S. Since the turn of the century. I moved to Houston 4 years ago from Dallas and since then where I live in Houston has been changing every day. Its so remarkable within 5 years time a new community has been formed and its getting too crowed every where. New schools, hospitals, stores and roads are coming up every corner, when we think its crazy but actually the demand is getting higher. There is everything near you to meet our needs. But the traffic is getting too much in Houston, I think government can do better in that area and make less crowed.
After a shaky start on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball, the Houston Texans were able to dominate the Chicago Bears throughout the second half and come away with a 23-14 week one win.
When traffic is beyond ridiculous, there’s no surprise when Houston motorists lose approximately $1,090 every year due to the high volumes of vehicles on the road. The congestion is hurting more than just individual drivers; businesses requiring trucking receive an astonishing $646M hit from time lost during these hold ups, which is up from $490M in 2007 (Begley). As Houston grows and seeing as road development is already behind, we can only expect such expenses to increase throughout the decade. Harris County Judge Ed Emmett said it best, “(the challenge) is just trying to stay where we are” (Begley).
Question One: What populations are vulnerable and what resources are available for vulnerable citizens? The vulnerable populations in Houston are the low income communities (including homeless people), the elderly, people with disabilities, immigrants, and the "linguistically isolated communities…Chinese, Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese speaking groups" (Nepal, et al, 2009). The St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities prepared a report on disaster preparedness for the Houston Department of Health and Human Services (Peranteau, et al, 2009). The report explains that vulnerable populations tend to be more impacted by hurricanes and other disasters than the middle class and upper middle class communities in Houston. The report state that "…Failure to address the needs of low income communities and individuals, who are disproportionately affected by natural disasters," hampers the recovery from a hurricane for all communities. "Low income communities" (i.e., vulnerable communities) are "disproportionately affected by natural disasters, and are disadvantaged again when the recovery process does not take their unique needs into account" (Peranteau, p. 3). The point of the research was to determine how best to serve this population during hurricanes and tropical storms, which are very common in Houston.
Houston is a large city with very unique qualities that most cities cannot even begin to understand, but is this just Houstonian pride talking? No, actually one of the unique qualities that Houston has is how we handle our land use planning. Houston is well known for not having any zoning ordinances, which has become a well-known topic for a while now. People argue weather our lack of zoning is chaotic, unorthodox, or independent and distinct. Another unique quality that we have is where our political culture stands. Dr. Elazar’s “Individualistic - Traditionalistic” study of political culture talks about three categories moralistic,
Urban sprawl was a major problem and had many negative effects. "Suburban sprawl, “called urban sprawl was a result of overpopulation. Sprawl occurred when cities spread outward. Forests and farmland were being destroyed to create new housing subdivisions, shopping centers, offices, parking areas, civic institutions and roadways. State governments built highways and roads to serve all the new commuters moving in and out of the city. Developers chose to build on less expensive land farther away from the urban core. Land prices were lower and housing in these developments was more affordable. Some people chose a longer commute in exchange for more comfortable, low-priced housing. The sprawl was a chronological process that devastated the land and life of the American people. This problem described here continues to be a problem. And many people are unaware that urban sprawl continues to be a problem. Friendly neighborhoods, traditional pedestrian have fallen victim to this problem. Environmental activists claimed that urban sprawl, was a substantial environmental threat. But activists concerned about sprawl should concentrate on existing government policies that encourage suburban development and prevent greater redevelopment of urban areas.
As Texas continues to increase in urbanization, the amount of water needed for municipal and industrial uses will increase significantly. More than half the water in Texas comes from underground. Aquifers in some areas of the state are being consumed faster than they can be filled again. Having a sustainable and efficient groundwater management policy is important to ensure that the future water demands will be satisfied.
"Urban consolidation is the process of increasing or maintaining the density of housing in established residential areas. The ultimate aim of urban consolidation is to reduce development on the fringe areas of the city. It is often realised by densification, high-rise development and urban renewal." The process of Urban Consolidation involves an increase in the number of houses or apartments within existing areas so that they can have more efficient use of services and reduce the impact on the environment. Urban Consolidation is used as a means to reduce the total amount of land needed to house the population. Ultimately it is through the; demographics and population, changing nature of the built environment, and transport, that a study of urban consolidation in chatswood can be underaken.
This research will provide detailed information about Houston regarding how extensive water pumping is causing the city’s foundation to sink, also explaining the history of Houston’s subsidence level, and the old and modern tools of detection. The study will provide an ideal solution as to how we can improve the stability of Houston’s base by decreasing the amount of water the city disperses daily and testing to see if the collection of rainwater will reduce any problematic conditions. The solution that will be explicated in this investigation will not only be able to answer, “Can rainwater collection prevent the city of Houston from sinking
Hous·to·ni·an, a native resident of Houston, Texas. This term is popular in more states than Texas. There’s a saying that “Everything is bigger and better in Texas. Houston is the fourth largest city in America behind Nevada and ahead of New Mexico. Now that is big. People that are born in Texas are natives, and therefore Houstonian. There are several races that call Houston home like Hispanics, Asians, Blacks and Europeans. There is also a refugee population in Houston from places like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia. However, any person that lives in the culture and experiences the culture to the extent that they consider themselves native can also be called a Houstonian. Houstonian is not a term. Houstonian is a way of life, a culture, and an identity.
Over the lase few decades. texas has remained as one of the foundational conservativeand Republican states across the nation. Voting patterns, influenced by a variety of factors like ethnicityand religionalong with rediscticting boundries play crucial roles in the distribution of votes for primary elections, presidential elections, and state government policies. For the past 25 years, although Texas has consistently and largely remained Republican, immigration, education, urbanization, and multiple other factors have shifted the political mindsets of population within the state.
Due to the popular advantages of living in suburban areas, the appropriate acknowledgement of the environmental issues correlated to urban sprawl are often neglected. Although urban sprawl accommodates many economic and financial benefits, the decrease in air quality caused by the increasing development of urban sprawl in Georgia said to be some of the most widespread in the nation. Located just 15 minutes outside the thriving city of Atlanta, Kennesaw Georgia is the fastest growing city in Cobb County. Home to Kennesaw State University, there are obvious concerns regarding the medical effects air pollution has on the student athletes of Kennesaw State who regularly practice outdoors. The colleges main sports stadium, the Fifth Third Bank Stadium,
In this group project, we discuss two cities – Houston and Dallas about their own background, which we called story and the comparison between them as well. Firstly, this paper will describe the Houston city’s history and background, by using the timeline, it is easy to consider the economy, politic, education and transportation for each of the city chronology. In this way, we can finally discuss the characteristic and opportunity for each of these two cities; thus, give them various suitable solutions for the future plan, which we called blue print, to help the city expansion.