
Greek Engineering/Architecture

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Table OF contents / List of Illustrations..…………………………………………….i Preface………………………………………………………………………………..ii The Tunnel of Eupalinos……………………………………………………………...1 Intro to Greek Architecture.…………………………………………………..............2 Tools and Materials Used...……………..…………………………………………….3 The Greek Orders……………..………………………………………………………4 Doric Order.……………...……………………………………………………………4 Ionic Order………………...…..………………………………………………………5 Corinthian Order………………………………………………………………………6 The Parthenon………………..…..……………………………………………………6 The Theater at Epidaurus.……………..………………………………………………7 The Temple of Athena Nike……………..……………………………………………8 Works cited..……………………………………………………………………….....iii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1: The …show more content…

The first inhabitants of the Greek peninsula, who are believed to be Neolithic, built very primitive and basic structures. The houses were mainly built with a circular, oval, apsidal, or rectangular shape. The rectangular house was mostly square, but some were oblong, and had the entrance at one of the short ends. They used mud bricks and stones in the mud with reeds or brush to help build the house. Most of the houses had one room, there were very rarely two. The next group of settlers was the Minoan architects. Their towns were mostly residential with little or no temples and public places. Unlike earlier people, their houses were private and had many rooms. However, to separate rooms, they would use only pillars. Thus, the house was very open. The stairways were a very prominent feature for these massive homes. This began a whole new era for the Greeks dealing with architecture. (2, 1) There is considerable decoration on Greek architecture, but the decoration is not allowed to interrupt the dominant lines of the structure as a whole. The parts are subordinate and not allowed to detract from the overall unity. (8, 175) One distinct feature of the Greek architecture is the emphasis placed on planning. Though old cities like Athens were the product of gradual and haphazard growth, those cities and sanctuaries which were laid out during the fifth century and later show a conscious effort to

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