Wilkerson, Kristen
Mrs. Torri Jordan
November 25, 2017
The Greek God of War
Ares is the god of war and perhaps the most unpopular of all the Olympian gods because of his quick temper, aggressiveness, and unquenchable thirst for conflict. He represents the violent and physical untamed aspect of war. His roman name was Mars. He was a simple warrior with swift feet. Usually appears in wars and battles. He rides a chariot, wearing a helmet on his head, and in his hands, he is holding a shield, a sword or a spear. Although fierce and warlike,
Ares wasn’t invincible, even against mortals.
Ares had a very difficult character to deal with and was therefore rather unpopular among
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After this trial, Ares was the first to be tried in court for murder.
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Kristen 1
Wilkerson, Kristen
Mrs. Torri Jordan
November 25, 2017
The Greek God of War
Ares is the god of war and perhaps the most unpopular of all the Olympian gods because
of his quick temper, aggressiveness, and unquenchable thirst for conflict. He represents the
violent and physical untamed aspect of war. His roman name was Mars. He was a simple warrior
with swift feet. Usually appears in wars and battles. He rides a chariot, wearing a helmet on his
head, and in his hands, he is holding a shield, a sword or a spear. Although fierce and warlike,
Ares wasn’t invincible, even against mortals.
Ares had a very difficult character to deal with and was therefore rather unpopular among
the other gods and mankind. For this reason, no Greek city wanted him as its patron. He also had
conflicts with his half-sisters Artemis and Athena, especially during the Trojan War. Some
symbols of Ares were his weapons, the shield and the spear, and his sacred animal was the dog.
Family and Childhood
Growing up, Ares’ parents did not like him, which were Zeus and Hera, but was
Ares (Mars in Roman mythology): Ares was reinterpreted as Mars in Roman mythology, according to Beard, North, and Price (1998). Ares was the Greek god of battle, representing violence and brutality. Like Ares, Mars was associated with battle, but he was also seen as a more strategic and disciplined figure who stood guard over Rome's military
Jack again shows his quick temper when he has the “boys”, or better his pack of wolves, tie Wilson up and beat him. All these acts point to the God Ares, and his cruelty and his quick temperedness showed in the tale of the mortal Adonis. Furthermore, they both share the same love of war, and I simply love the way the website puts it, when they describe Ares. “He not only embodied the act of war he also embodied the spirit as well.” That describes them both perfectly, Jack loves the hunt and the thrill and they’re circles around the fire, and he acts without reason and he’s cruel and unforgiving just like the spirit of
The gods of war are Ares from Greek mythology and Mars from Roman mythology. There are some major differences between these gods, a lot more than the others. Aries for one was a god to be feared because he was the god of war, bloodshed, and murder that and he just liked to watch mortals kill each other. When he is on the battle field he is usually accompanied by some gnarly people. “He was followed into battle by Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror), two lesser gods who sometimes are said to be his sons. He was also followed by the goddesses Eris (Strife) and Enyo (Horror)” (“Encyclopedia Mythica” n.d.) Mars on the other hand was kind of like Ares and Athena put together because he was a god of war and its tactics. Mars was also the god of fertility of crops. Mars is said to have fathered the founders of Rome and the Roman people thus the Romans styled themselves after him. No Greek would be caught dead trying to stylize themselves after Ares. Both of them are portrayed as being fully armored. But these warriors needed something to protect and that was the queens of the gods.
He is also Hephaestus’ brother. Ares was known as the God of war, violence, and bloodshed. His symbols were a spear, helmet, dog, vulture, and a boar. He had two special powers. They were strength and physicality.
As a newborn he was placed with a mighty pack of wolves which taught him the way of the hunt and how to go unseen by prey, leading him to become one with the wolves. The Gods monitered him closely as they worried about him becoming a threat to humanity, or even worse, the Gods themselves. Knowing that the pack was getting closer to a small village full of innocent children and maidens, Ares turned to Zeus and asked that he defend the village against the pack and Orion. Zeus had no choice but to agree- too many lives could be lost to the wolves! Artemis was distraught and so she visited Orion in his dreams and gifted him with endurance and cunning to help defend him against Ares, she could not lose her only child to the God of War. The wolves approached the entrance to the village and sure enough, Ares stood waiting, clad in battle armour and demanded a fight with Orion, agreeing that should Orion win, Ares would step aside, but should he lose... Orion hastily agreed, seeing as how the Luna of the pack was carrying pups and desperately needed food, knowing that they would honour him and feast upon his remains should he lose. Ares and Orion fought for hours and hours but Orion was no match for the God and was struck down. Seeing as how he had succeeded in defending the village, Ares returned to Olympus where Zeus announced that Orion was a worthy opponent and
Athena and Ares share many common characteristics and many differences. One major similarity is that they are both deities who’s realm of power deals with warfare. The difference in this, though, is that Ares is a god of brutal and simple warfare. He is sometimes even known simply as a butcher, and the Greeks did not respect him as much as Athena. Athena, on the contrary, is a goddess of strategic warfare, and is very respected because of it. Another similarity they hold is that they are both children of Zeus, although under very different circumstances. Ares had a normal birth, whereas Athena was born out of Zeus’ skull after Zeus had swallowed Athena’s pregnant mother.
In the Iliad, a book wrote by Homer, Athena represented “the intellectual and civilized side of war and the virtues of justice and skill.”(“Athena”, Britannica) She was represented by a golden shield and helmont, a spear, a spindle and the number 7. The olive tree also represents her and her wisdom because she gave it as a gift to a city.(“Goddess symbols:Athena”, Goddess Gifts)Athena’s male counterpart(Greek Gods, “Athena”) Ares lived on Mount olympus as the god of war and representing Mars. He was seen as a warrior in art. Ares represented the bloody and gruesome parts in battle. ( “Ares” Britannica) His symbols are the spear, helmet, chariot, boar, vulture, species of owls and the flaming torch. He is represented by the color red because red is the color of war and Mars. ( “Ares” Greek Gods and
Being the god of bloodlust, Ares is always getting into fights and getting involved in wars. However, he can never win any of his battles or win the wars he sides on, mostly due to his half-sister Athena. Here is an example
Ares had the power to have infinite strength, he fault alongside Phobos his son in war. Ares was most recognized by a symbol of a helmet, a spear, and a shield, basically symbols of war. One myth is in the Iliad which sates that Dione and her daughter Aphrodite threw Ares into a bronze urn your one lunar year (12 months). Ares parents were Zeus and Hera who hated there son Ares, Ares was married to Aphrodite his half-sister which they had three children named Eros, Anteros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Himerus, and Adrestia.
Ares The God Of War, was one of the most powerful and important God. Greek mythology is the body of myths and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks. Concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, the origins and importance of their own religion and ritual practices were cherished. It was all an part of the religion in Ancient Greek. In summary, Ares is very powerful, important, and handy greek God any war could ask for.
Ares was despised by his fellow gods and goddesses in Olympus because he had a bad desire to create conflict between his fellow peers. He represented all of the terrible parts of war such as destruction, and killing without any strategic plan in place. Despite Ares being possibly the most hated god on Mount Olympus, he actually played a major role in certain events during this time period. Ares played his most significant role in Greek Mythology during the Trojan War. He is also important due to the fact he is the son of the King of Olympus; Zeus. Ares also created the god of love named Eros or Cupid that would go around committing mischievous acts. Finally, Ares is also important to Greek Mythology because most of the children he had with Aphrodite are important.
In Greece, the people believed that there were mighty powerful deities that could control what happened to you. Greek religion, like many of the older religions, had the same idea of “order out of chaos’. They believed that you could control most deities through prayer, sacrifice and living a good truthful life. They believed that if a big natural disaster happened, the people or the town were to blame. They also prayed to win wars and gain more land. This is when the God Ares comes in play. Ares represented the extreme violence and “untamed acts that occurred during war
Some of Ares physical traits include armored body, demon eyes, long dark hair, muscular, strong, male, tall, and tan. Some of the only weapons Ares used was a spear, and sword. He also used a shield for protection against other gods. His most popular animals are a vulture, and dogs. Some symbols Ares is know by is the dog, vulture, barn owl, eagle owl, and woodpeckers. Ares had many celebrations made in honor for him. He had no festivals, but he had bowing ceremonies. Also, Ares lived in Mt. Olympus. He lived there because it was the highest mountain in Greece. He also lived there because it was home to twelve other
Athena and Hera rank among the most powerful forces in the book. Even the other male gods cannot stand up to them, and Ares, supposedly the god of war, must cede to Athena's superior might on two occasions. Moreover, Athena and Hera are more than just assertive and forceful. They are cunning, quick-witted, and sharp-tongued. By using her womanly assets and a little trickery, Hera incapacitates Zeus, after Achilles rejoins the battle, which allows the Greeks to gain the upper hand. Athena was the one that tricked Hector into facing Achilles man-to-man: “Athena luring him on with all her immortal cunning-” (XXII-293) even though she knew Achilles would kill him. Aphrodite on
Athena is fierce and brave; She is smart, somewhat ruthless, but she was praised by all. Athena took part in many wars and also fought in the Trojan War. She is “The Goddess of War”, so she is Ares counterpart. She is smart, she invents many things, like the flute, trumpet, the chariot, and much more. She is praised by many because of her “compassion and generosity.” to her followers.