
Greek Lore Research Paper

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Folklore is a term generally used to refer to the traditional beliefs, myths, tales, and practices of a people. Legends are based on some sort of historical fact and have had their characters or events embellished. Myths are basis in a religion, supernatural being/creators, explains some sort of natural phenomenon. Fairy Tales are tales that have some sort of fantastic element, such as magic, magical creatures, and a conflict between good and evil. Greek folklore is all of the stories surrounding Greek culture, many people know this as Greek Mythology. Greek Lore is all of the stories and tales that have been passed down in Greece. The most important sub category is Greek Mythology. It’s more popular because it has been the most widely known form of Folk Lore. The main foundation of Greek Lore is Mythology, because all of the people in greece are religiously bound to this lore, which shapes a lot of their culture. It’s so significant that it has shaped entire cultures around the world. Every culture has been shaped by the oral tradition of Folklore. Storytelling shaped culture by letting an audience know about the history that started their culture they are now living in. With the culture always changing, so does the folklore, one folklore could go from a very low tech culture to a very high tech one. Oral tradition …show more content…

The purpose of his journey was to expansion of Rome. The journey display’s Achilles abilities very well and can help the reader understand his reasons for why he is doing this. There is almost always some type of hero, and some great event that is in a folklore. Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales are all different types of folklore so they have many differences but they have more in common than most people know. They all have all of the same basics, a main character/hero, a villain, and support charters, but some are more realistic than others and have been based on true

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