
Greek Mythology: A Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

The start of a healed and good relationship will have to begin with oneself also known as you. We need have all the courage to tell and to use the truth to be honest with our selfs. Be honest as possible maybe not with everyone or everything but be real to yourself. Our own reactions will be what determines our dreams and how we are going to guide the dream we have for our life. Our reactions can make us happy or unhappy. If we are able to control or reactions then that will make our life more wonderful. A person is totally responsible for her or his feelings and even what one is thinking because whatever the consequences there is just one to blame which is yourself. The choices we make as individual and the way we make and choose the choices will determine our dream and it will go …show more content…

Artemis is a supreme huntress because the way she hunted was so effortless. In the forest she lived with good harmony and lived so easily. In the forest she hunted and everything and anything that was hunted by was an honor. One day a king gave orders to Hercules the son of Zeus. The order the king have him was to hunt the magical deer of Artemis. When Hercules tried to hunt the magical deer it ran off. The only way he would get the deer would be if he was better than Artemis. He had to get help from hermis to let him use his wings to become faster to capture the prey. Now that he is able to capture the deer Artemis reaction was to get even with him so she wanted to hunt Hercules and capture him but now he is one of the most difficult prey to capture. Artemis wanted to capture him but she did not really need him it was all an illusion to strongly need him. She believed that she was in love with him and wants him to herself. Artemis was obsessed with Hercules until she was no longer happy. For Artemis the forest was no perfect harmony it became the opposite she broke her rules and just hunted just for the

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