
Greek Mythology: Titans And The Olympians

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Greek Gods Mythology: Titans and the Olympians My topic is about the Greek mythology of the Titans and the story of how Zues came into power. My topic originally was going to be about the Olympians but after researching for an extensive amount of time, I came upon the Titans. To my knowledge, I did not know what exactly the Titans were and that’s what lead myself to investigate further about them.
This topic is fascinating to me because it is a widely-known mythology that is still used today to show the different perspectives of the Greek mythology in movies, shows, games, art, etc. In Greek mythology, all the things originated from the god Chaos which means empty void. Somehow Chaos gives birth to the gods Gaea …show more content…

Gaea on her own gave birth to the Uranus, the god of heaven. He married and had children with Gaea, the goddess Earth. They gave birth two twelve children, six males and six female, known as the Titans. Gaea and Uranus also gave birth to three cyclopes and three hecatoncheires. Uranus was an almost paranoid god, who feared his children’s insolence. Uranus hid the most insolent of his children, namely the three Cyclopes and the hecatoncheires. Gaia then approached her other children, and asked them to revolt against father. Cronus, who was Uranus’ youngest son, said that he would undertake the deed, took the sickle which Gaea had made, cut off his father’s genitals and threw them into the ocean, which produced Aphrodite. Uranus then named Cronos and his siblings the Titans, and said that they would all be punished later for their insolence toward him. Cronus then has Rhea, another child of Uranus, to bear him many children. However, Uranus had come to Cronus in a dream to warn him that he too shall suffer the same fate as his father. That is, that Cronus too will be dethroned by one of his children. Thus, Cronus swallows up each of his children as

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