
Greek Myths Still Alive Research Paper

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Greek Mythology Forever Alive

Seekers, researches, philosphers and simple average individuals, share a wonderful trait and that is to seek the divine thruth. For humans were born with an insasiable hunger to discover where we come from, who we really are, what makes us unique and most importantly what is our soul purpose of existance in this earth. The hunger can be best tamed with Greek Mythology. For Mythology is much still alive in present day because within ourselves the inspiration is reborn, of an imaginary yet realist world that we ourselves see us in theses stories as the protegonist, antagonist, of the series of the most fascinating of all time literature ever created by man kind. Therefore, by human nature our insticts are called to anwser the …show more content…

Myths are a form of power and knowledge to explain what individual's saw, experienced and felt. We can infer the Greek Mythology, has have a major influenced, inspiration, landscaping of our present ideals beliefs and how we handle consequently troubles in our lives. Therefore this powerful force Greek Mythology posses is unlike the others and is one of the main reasons why it will be forever remember and never to be forgotten. Is crucial to emphazies Greeks beleived the universe created the gods unlike in present day religion believe god created the universe. (Hamiltion pp. 24) This contradiction of whom came first if God

or the universe for countless individuals is an non-ending innner-self battle, to discover the thruth within Greek Mythology. In which case, this fascination of great question imposed, triggers the hunger to seek the divine truth.

The undenably, linkage between mythology, religion and one's own question of who we are and where we come from is still much alive and wont ever died. Greek Mythology itself is a dominant connection with earth and

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