
Greek Narrative

Decent Essays

August 7, The London 2012 Summer Olympics.“Go Derek! Go! You can do it!” I yelled from the sidelines of the track field. This was it, this was the reason he had been training nonstop for months. Behind that wide smile there was blood, sweat and tears. The way he ran was mesmerizing. With every stride he took, he leaped forward and in a wink of an eye he had already ran several meters ahead. He was the perfect athlete, incredible strength, passionate, optimistic, focused and determined. “You’re almost there Derek! Just one more lap!” I cheered him on. He was in the lead, with the finalist from Germany, meters behind him. I could see the other runners slowing down knowing the win was Derek’s. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, he …show more content…

It’s been almost two years since Derek broke his ankle, yet he still visits the hospital. “Derek, come on, how many times do you need to hear the doctor tell you you’re completely healed? How many times do you need to hear it for you to accept the fact that you are no longer injured?” I asked Derek. “My body hasn’t recovered yet, Andrew. Otherwise, I would be running right now,” he replied. We entered the doctor’s office for Derek’s scheduled appointment. “Hello Mr.Flort, good to see you again. So, are you doing better?” asked Mrs.Williams. “I don’t think I’m doing any better doc. You have any medications I can take to speed up my recovery?” answered Derek with a question. “Unfortunately, your issue can’t be treated using medications. Rather counseling,” suggested Mrs.Williams. “Counseling? I’m not emotionally hurt. My issue is physical,” replied Derek. “Doc, he’s in denial. He has been to several doctors and they all repeat the same thing: “You’re healed”. Yet, he still believes the reason he can’t run is because he is yet to be cured,” I interjected. “Alright Derek, I’m going to refer you to my friend, Jennifer Grey, she’s a great psychologist. I believe she can really help you improve,” she said while handing a slip of paper with a scribbled name and number to …show more content…

Did it help?”I asked Derek on the phone. “Boring, that crazy lady thinks she can cure me by giving ‘encouragement’. It’s a waste of time,” he replied. “Come on Derek, give her a shot. Continue for a few more months and I can guarantee you improvement,” I stated. “Alright, whatever. Goodnight,” sighed Derek before hanging up.
I opened the door to Derek’s apartment, when I saw him staring at his old running shoes statically. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen those babies. You doing better?” I question. “Umm..yeah I guess. Come in, lets play 2k,” he replied. Slowly yet steadily I started to sense improvement in Derek. He was watching his favorite video: Usain Bolt’s record breaking victory. A sight I hadn't seen in ages. Before, just the mere mention of track and field, would upset his mood. I had also noticed he had bought a new pair of running shoes, and kept it near all of his trophies and medals.
Race you!” yelled Derek as he ran up the stairs. Before I could even process the information, he was at the top of the stairwell. My jaw dropped. “Did..did you just run?” I asked astonished at the site. “Not technically, but you could say so,” he replied with a smile on his

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