Strengths: She confirms the payoff included May's payment. Inches: *** Do not use CTI to gain access to the file. We should always obtain the verifying info from the client. The client offered her loan number. We do not want to give the client the impression we already have access to their info before verification is complete ( for instance, their account came up with their phone number calling from). Also in some instances, the account info that comes up does not match the file in reference to. Empathy- (1:00) (4:02) There was an opportunity in the call where the client's statements warranted an acknowledgement/ empathy. The client is calling to inform she recently closed and had concerns about May's payment. We should offer an understanding
The Greeks, Trojans, and Spartans were very resourceful and strategic when in battle. The Spartans were one of the many armies in Greece, and they rose to the top through tactics and strategies. Greek tactics and strategies were very successful due to how many wars they won. However Trojans were out of the “box” thinkers, and were not always an easy fight.
When the client inquires about the info on his loan, Jackie does a great job informing she can dig deeper into the loan notes to discover any new info. Great job positioning to the client that the CCS has more access to info, that she may not.
Offer a conference-Bria offered to have the CCS follow up to confirm the loan denial/ withdraw. We could attempt in the call to conference over to resolve the client's in with first call resolution.
Greece government and the United States government is very different from each based on the fact that Greece is a Parliamentary Republic and the United States is a constitutional federal republic (The World Factbook). In Greece’s government there is a president, a prime minister, a parliament,and a Courts of Law (Government and Politics). In the United State’s government there is a president, House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. The United States only has a few parties that are well known such the Republican party, the Democratic party, and Green party. In Greece there are many parties such as New Democracy, Independent Greeks, Popular Orthodox Rally, and Coalition of the Radical Left (Country vs. Country).
Conformity, on a daily basis we conform to the social norms set forth before us by our friends, family and past experiences. Group cohesiveness (the desire to which one has to be in and is attracted to the group) greatly increases conformity. Enter Greek life.
For decades, the easiest way to rise through the ranks in the republican party is to not only speak bad about government, but to do so in such extreme ways that you get noticed. Ronald Reagan famously said that government is not a solution to our problem, but that government is the problem. Grover Norquist is famous for his widely quoted comment that he wants to shrink government “down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub. If you want to get noticed, you must not only show why government is bad, but also how you will make sure it doesn’t stand in the way of anyone who wants to make money no matter who gets hurts in the process, pollute the environment without consequences and all the while making sure the rich gets richer at the expense of the poor and pay as little tax as possible.
Each Greek God has his or her different strengths and weaknesses just like people. I compared each Greek God with someone that I know with similar qualities.
The following of our institution that I feel was most impacted by the Ancient World was the Military System. Based on the content of the course, War was considered the principal basis of symbolic interaction that ascended out of a certain notion: that with so many tribes within existence, there can only be so few high powers and those who appeared unworthy, weak, or as bystanders should be exterminated. Though conceded in many other periods and times, perhaps the earliest and most prominent eras in which this idea was conceived was in between the Mesopotamian and the Archaic Greece. This notion was so widespread; many group of individuals began adopting it because they sought themselves as a unity – a unity whose entirety of divine power and
together can be a bad action taken by the government. The reason I say this is because, in economic terms, reduction in government spending and increasing tax collection at the same time is like hitting someone with two hammers together. This will only lead to a shift to the left of aggregate demand and is it impossible for the people to pay taxes when the living standards is low. (Figure 2)
Throughout history, Greece has had a multitude of effects on government, ethics, and overall cultural development. There are one hundred and ninety-six countries in the world today- and more to come. The Greek way has had an unbelievable influence on these areas and will continue to do so due to the ever-growing human population and ideation. The United States, often considered the most powerful country to have ever taken place in Earth’s existence, is not immune to Greece’s impact. A military is the armed forces that a country retains. Generally, the determining factor for a country’s power is their military. Both the sheer size and strength of this country’s armed forces is taken into consideration, whether it be their reserve, naval, or
She offers empathy for an inconvenience the client had while trying to get the check reissued.
Evaluate Greek Unity as the main reason for Greek Victory against the Persians in the years 490BC-479BC.
The ancient skepticism gave place to the decadence of pre-Socratic Philosophy. There are two main causes of skepticism, differences among previous ideologies, and events like the welfare posterior to Persian Wars. Also, because “Eleatic philosophers rejected the existence of plurality and change”, they also denied that reality could be classified as an ordinary experience. On the other hand, Heraclitus and Cratylus thought that the world was in a state of flux (constantly changing): and Xenophanes doubted if humans could distinguish true from false knowledge. Some people think that Socrates showed a more developed form of skepticism, admitting that all that he really knows is that he knows nothing. Protagoras of Abdera proposed that “man is the measure of all things,” this thesis has been taken as a kind of skeptical relativism (no views are completely true, but each person´s opinion).
Explain with definitions and examples the concept of culture and elaborate on the barriers to becoming culturally competent communicators.
One of the great achievements by the Greeks was art. The Greeks excelled in sculpture. Their works are impressive for their handling of human anatomy, and details like hair and clothing. They are also impressive for their handling of motion (cf. "Discobolos), and for capturing a wide range of human emotions and moods. Some sculptures are comic, others very serious. Greek architecture was also very impressive. The Greeks did a fine job creating buildings that would blend with the natural environment and take advantage of that environment. Another great achievement by the Greeks was government. The Greeks gave us also our first political science, the systematic study of human government. When one studies political science today, one constantly