
Greek Tragedy By Euripides ' Medea

Decent Essays

Discuss the ways Greek tragedy authors addressed such topics as duty, honor, kingship, gender roles, and the other. Greek tragedy authors tend to use their writings as a means of social, political, and religious commentary. Both of the authors we read of, use their characters and the storyline development to test their reader’s moral boundaries. On the one hand, Euripides’ Medea emphasizes Greek thoughts concerning foreigners, and denounces Athenian social bases through his character’s traits and actions. First of all, from a Greeks’ point of view, Medea is the ultimate model of foreigners’ lack of moral bounds. Yet she is also a character that defies Greek gender views of what a normal woman’s attributes and manners should assume. …show more content…

Sophocles depicts his characters in a certain matter in order to provoke his audience in contemplating the idea of freedom. Is Creon free because he is a king and has the ability to do whatever he pleases? Or is he bound by civic duty to his people, and the pressure and need to be loved by them? Moreover, is Antigone free, because she follows her own thoughts and beliefs despite her uncle’s authority? Or is she bound by her emotions and passion, which challenge the purity of her intentions? How does Herodotus characterize the Persians? Does his view change throughout the text or is he consistent? What kinds of traits and characteristics does he focus on and why? What do they have in common with Greeks and where do they differ? When reading what Herodotus wrote about the Persians, a basic fact cannot be overlooked; Herodotus wrote for Greek Elites, and therefore made choices of what to write about in order to appeal to his listeners. He mostly chose to specifically talk about important Persian kings, who, in his own way, used as a means to disguise his own thoughts. Herodotus used the Persians to portray two of his major themes. First of all, the theme of Timocracy versus Plutocracy. By way of his choice of kings to talk about, Herodotus makes it clear that he believes Timocracy is the most favorable way of ascending a thrown. He admires Persian lineage and denounces Athenian monetary manipulations. He sees Persian Kings as rightful heirs because of the

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