
Green Acres Regional Center Case Study

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Nature of Work: Green Acres Regional Center is a service organization that provides bottled water and lawn care/landscaping services. The facility is locates on approximately 25 acres, which encompasses approximately twelve buildings. The facility has two residential cottages, recreation center, a cafeteria and two classroom buildings. These buildings are generally leased to other organizations. The main facilities being utilized by Green Acres Regional Center are the three bottled water production areas, administrative offices, and the two greenhouse structures. Green Acres currently employs 42 individuals with half of the employees being individuals with disabilities. Job titles consist of Administrator, Director of Programs and Facilities, Water Production Manager, Inventory Specialist/Administrative Assistant, Warehouse Shipping Manager, Vocational Agricultural Manager, Lawn Care/Landscaping crew members, Bottled Water Production Aids, Sales and Small …show more content…

Some accommodations that may be needed include transportation. The facility is remotely located and there is no public transportation system that travels to facility. Individuals who have transportation issues may need some type of transportation accommodation to be able to work at this facility. A color coding system would assist individuals with learning difficulties or intellectual disabilities who have difficulties with reading to know which organization the bottles are to be shipped to. Modifications to machinery such as different shaped handles to enable individuals with physical disabilities to operate the machine. Adjustable seating and workstations would also be beneficial to individuals with physical disabilities. Supported employment services for individuals that may require additional job training or

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