
Green Burial

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A Will in the Woods is a film that portrays a psychiatrist dying of lymphoma by the name of Clark Wang and his wife as they embark on a journey to have Wang’s own green burial to ensure that his final resting place benefits the planet. This movie explores Clark Wang’s final days on earth as we watch his surroundings embrace his soon-to-be memory. This film ties into what we are talking about in this class, Digital Death and into some of the literatures, we read in this class as well.
In A Will in the Woods, the idea of a green burial seems to oppose the status quo of traditional burials. In a traditional American burial, bodies are embalmed with many preservatives, encased in coffins that intensively consumed natural resources, and buried in areas that can be easily forgotten. In the film, Joe Sehee, the founder of the Green Burial Council, attended a funeral-industry convention. At the convention, it became apparent that some supporters of the traditional burial is focusing on the business side and not the main purpose. In this past week reading assignment, the corpse in the GARDEN by Peter Thorsheim, talks about the closure of the London burial grounds. Given the high cost of urban land and London’s rapid population growth, even small sites could contain an enormous number of bodies. In the half-acre burial ground of …show more content…

In order to analyze memory, Bergson states, we have to follow the movement of memory at work; in that movement, the present dictates memories of the past: memory always has one foot in the present and another in the future. The brain does not store memories but re­creates the past each time it is invoked: "The bodily memory, made up of the sum of the sensori­motor systems organized by habit, is a quasi­instantaneous memory to which the true memory of the past serves as a

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