
Green Cloud : An Alternative For Traditional Data Center

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Green Cloud: An Alternative to Traditional Data Center Abstract: Going Green is one of the most talked about topics today and it is no surprise that this concept is making it 's way into people 's thinking when they talk about Data Centers. Corporations both large and small are investing in ways to save energy and reduce establishment and running costs for such data centers. Through this paper, I will delve into prioritization of energy resources, implementation of a Green Data-Centre and performance comparison with Traditional Cloud. Keywords: Cloud Computing, Green Data-Centre, Green IT 1.Introduction A Data-Centre is a facility that is at the core of an organization 's IT Operations and are vital to it 's daily operation. It …show more content…

Aside from the implied financial burdens these digital warehouses are responsible for an adverse and irreversible impact on the environment. Such warehouses consume a vast amount of energy in a wasteful manner. This is especially true for many web based corporations which strive to provide round the clock service at full capacity irrespective of the traffic or service demands. As a result, DCs end up wasting up to 90% of the energy they pull of the power grid. Worldwide, the digital warehouses use about 30 billion watts of electricity, roughly equivalent to the output of 30 nuclear power plants, according to estimates industry experts compiled for The Times. Data centers in the United States account for one-quarter to one-third of that load, the estimates show. The pollution from data centers has increasingly been cited by authorities for violating clean air regulations. The adoption of a Green Cloud system could lead to 38% reduction in worldwide data-centre energy expenses through improving recycling efforts, minimizing water usage in cooling and lowering carbon and gas emissions. 2.Architecture of Cloud: The Cloud data centers are quite different from traditional hosting facilities. A cloud data center could comprise of many hundreds or thousands of networked computers with their corresponding storage and networking subsystems,power distribution and conditioning equipment, and cooling. The

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