The choice of carrying out a narrative review was due to the inadequate availability of comparative studies of the effects of participating in physical activity in the natural environments and its effects on psychological and physiological health.
What is Green exercise?
Research over a decade ago led to the coining of the term green exercise to account for the effects of activity in natural blue and green spaces (Pretty et al., 2003). Previous research had shown the many physiological and psychological benefits of exercise, such as reduction in tension, depression, anxiety in addition to increases in energy, vitality and self concept (DiLorenzo, Bargman, Stucky-Ropp, Brassington, Frensch, & LaFontaine 1999 Hassmén, Koivula, & Uutela, 2000; Pollock, Franklin, Balady, Chaitman, Fleg, Fletcher, & Bazzarre 2000). Environmental Psychologists had found links between access to green environments and decreases in mood disturbances (Pretty, Peacock, Hine, Sellens, South, & Griffin, 2007; Takano, Nakamura, & Watanabe 2002) as well as
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Green exercise is defined as undertaking physical activity whilst being directly exposed to nature (Pretty et al., 2005; 2007). Pretty et al. (2003) were among the first wave of researchers to investigate the synergistic benefits of incorporating physical activity and exposure to the natural environment to produce positive psychological affect. In subsequent studies, this exposure to the natural environment ranged from a group of trees in a backyard or as vast as being in a complete wilderness setting (Barton & Pretty 2010; Kaplan & Berman, 2010; Kaplan, 1995). In the last decade, research examining green exercise has led to findings that provide tentative evidence for an array of psychological and physiological consequences. These include (Brymer, Cuddihy, and Sharma-Brymer, 2010), improvement in self esteem and commensurate reductions in total mood
In the book, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and The Brain by Dr. John J. Ratey, MD (2008), Ratey discuses how exercise can help treat many mood disorders and how it can help strengthen our brains. This book is divided into ten chapters all with five to ten subsections in them. The chapters include: Welcome to the revolution: A Case Study on Exercise and the brain, Learning, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Attention Deficit, Addiction, Hormonal Changers, Aging, and the Regimen.
ReferencesAnnesi, J. (2005). Changes in depressed mood associated with 10 weeks of moderate cardiovascular exercise in formerly sedentary adults. Psychological Reports, 96, 855-862.
Deciphering which theory of personality best describes Princess Diana was difficult. Her life seemed to be just beginning after marrying Prince Charles and becoming a mother. However, I did choose Erickson’s theory simply because his method extends throughout the life-span and is divided into different stages. The quantity of conflict within each stage determines the extremity. With each stage marked by inconsistencies, a successful resolution will result in a positive end result. The fifth stage of Erickson’s theory is Adolescence; 12-18 years of age. The conflict is identity versus confusion, and this was rather difficult for Diana; she experienced long periods of loneliness and depression. Everything changed for her during this period of
There are a wide array of benefits aligned with physical activity and exercise. Exercising can impact a person’s mood and psychological personality as well as improve their immune system and overall wellbeing. Throughout the essay, the psychological benefits of exercise, the benefits of exercise on the human body and the recommended level of physical activity for an average sized adult will be investigated and explained. Exercise is a vital aspect of a person’s daily regime and should be included within all lifestyles.
Million of Americans go through the blues and sad moments from clinical depression each year. Most patients with depression first seek treatment from a therapist or a primary care provider. However, exercise is a developmental behavior intervention that has displayed strong promise in alleviating symptoms of depression. The objective is examine whether physical activity is associated with depression in an average size population based on gender and age. A total of 310 participates ( 123 Male and 184 females and 3 other ) of UO students and other random volunteered to participate. All participants age ranged from 14 to 99, had to completed two self- report questionnaires. Besides answering question on their exercise habits during the past week, also took into account that all participants also completed CES-D questionnaire that determine their depression levels. In the surveyed there was a lower level of depression with more frequent weekly exercise give it a negative correlation. Also with the duration question, showed a significant negative correlation with the levels of depression. The efficiency of exercise in reducing depression cannot be determined because of the small size of participates and the lack of excellent quality research on population with adequate follow up
Food insecurity is defined as when an individual has inconsistent and inadequate access to a sufficient amount of nutritious food preventing him or her from maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is typically associated with limited financial It is sometimes classified as a public health concern and is currently a growing issue as the number of individuals suffering from food insecurity is increasing according to Statistics Canada. Food insecurity has its greatest impact on the individual itself and an impact on the Government of Ontario and mayors of the cities within Ontario. It is an important issue as it can more issues to branch out from it such as famine (long term hunger), increased health care costs and more. Thus, food insecurity has many impacts on the person itself and it can cause more issues to build upon this one issue.
Since 1990s, many scientists agree that exercise has positive impacts on people’s physical health and mental health (SIME WE, 1987). From Morgan and O’Connor’s research, people can reduce stress and state anxiety by doing physical activities; also gain emotional pleasure from the process (Morgan and O’Connor, 1988). Later in 1997, Landers states that physical activities can reduce people depression after weeks of regular and routine exercise. In addition, people can benefit from more
The objective of the article was to determine if there was an increase benefit to the addition of aerobic exercise to standard care for the treatment of major depressive disorder. The authors examined the effects of aerobic exercise and standard care versus standard care alleviating symptoms of major depressive disorder. The analyzed results revealed aerobic exercise and standard care had a further reduction of symptoms compared to standard care; however, there was no significant difference in remission or response rates between the two groups. The researches concluded that aerobic exercise was a benefit when added to standard care.
Thesis: It’s hard being a student and working at the same time, and find energy for both. I will show you why starting an exercise program can boost your energy and your mental health.
> This was an important point made in the article as it places emphasis on how interaction with the environment can increase a person’s overall well-being: physical and mental. Many clinicians that I know will communicate to their clients the importance of engaging in nature to reduce depressive symptoms; they communicate that mental grounding and nature activities will improve self-confidence and provide clients with a sense of altruism and purpose.
While the research of Blumenthal et al. (2007) focused on exercise being effective in reducing self-reported depressive symptoms, Diaz and Motta (2008) and Motta, Kuligowski, and Marino (2010) looked at the positive effects of exercise on depression, anxiety and PTSD. The theory of exercise’s positive effect on mental health has heavily been focused on
Hemingway’s greatest idea, the Hemingway Code, is brought out in all of his short stories. The typical Code has characters who are mostly males, they show grace under pressure, are very masculine, and do many heroic acts. Another part of the Code is you are not destroyed unless you are defeated. In most of the stories Hemingway’s characters follow the Code and don’t stray from it, but this is not the case in his story “In Another Country”. Although some will say that the Major sticks with the Code and is not defeated, he is defeated because he does not because he does not have grace under pressure, he has lost his masculinity, and has no grace under pressure.
General recommendations are now widely accepted as to the general advantages of exercise in terms of physical health, such as its ability to prevent weight gain, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and osteoporosis.14 It appears that health promotion schemes have shied away from extolling exercise’s psychological benefits. After all, there is no government campaign, no public policy initiative, which pontificates exercise on account of a concern for mental wellbeing. Although many people would identify that exercise has a positive influence on mood state, it appears that, generally speaking, this is regarded as a positive correlation, rather than a causal relationship. The ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ concept is thus, for many, a heuristic utopia, rather than a scientifically proven
They found that an exercise training programme could be an alternative treatment for MDD. Although antidepressants had a more rapid response than exercise, after 16 weeks of exercise the effectiveness in reducing depression was equal to the anti-depressants. A study also found that a single bout of exercise could result in substantial improvements in mood, which shows that it’s not just duration and frequency. However, it may be that the improvement in mood is only temporary (Dimeo et al., 2001). Lawler and Hopker (2001) stated that effectiveness of exercise on depression couldn’t be determined due to lack of quality research based on clinical populations. They also wrote that the explanations of the results may have been that depressed patients who did regular exercise could have got positive feedback from other people and a sense of self worth, which may act as a diversion from negative thoughts. Physical activity was found to be linked with less coexisting depression, which remains the same after controlling for gender, age, and race. The results of the study showed that physical activity is helpful with medical problems, life stressors and quality of sleep (Harris et al., 2006).
Exercise may be one of the most important influences on your overall health to date. While the only benefits that are mainly focused on are the physical benefits, significant psychological impacts can also be linked to exercise. Although some of these benefits aren’t viewed with much enthusiasm, studies have proven that exercise can actually improve one’s quality of life greatly by increasing not only their physical health but their mental health as well. It is because of this that exercise is a