Greg and Kino Have you ever seen or experienced changes such as someone’s personality, morals, or lifestyle in your life or someone else’s because of a significant event? In the novel, The Pearl, By John Steinbeck and the story “The Treasure Of Lemon Brown” by Walter Dean Myers, the main characters are affected and changed both negatively and positively by an event that happens to them. In The Pearl the main character a poor, Native American man named Kino lives with his family and is content with his life even though he doesn’t live a luxurious life. Early in the story Kino’s son Coyotito is stung by a scorpion, but Kino doesn’t have enough money to pay for a doctor. Later in the story, Kino’s life takes a strange turn when he finds a very …show more content…
One example of how Kino feels about his family is “Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat saying, this is safety, this is warmth, this is the whole.” (3 Steinbeck). I know that Kino feels positive about his family because the quote tells me that when Kino hears the song of the family he feels complete. The quote also shows that Kino enjoys the song of the family because it gives off a feeling of safety and warmth. Later in the story, Kino becomes corrupted by the pearl and focuses more on selling the pearl instead of the safety of his family. In chapter 5 Juana tries to throw the pearl in the ocean and Kino reacted violently, according to the text “He struck her in the face with a clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side.” (59 Steinbeck). By analyzing the text I can infer that Kino cares about Juana less than he did in the beginning of the story because of how he struck her to stop her from throwing the pearl, instead of stopping her in a more gentle manor. I also believe that Kino is more violent and has more rage because he struck Juana again with his foot when she fell to the ground. Overall I think the pearl had very negative effects on Kino and corrupted him with
At the beginning of the story Kino believed the pearl was a great treasure because it, “was as large as a sea-gull’s egg. It was the greatest pearl in the world. ” (pg.19) At the end of the story it was no treasure. It brought great amounts of greed to Kino making him do anything to protect and try to sell the pearl.
Kino was attacked by mean trying to steal the pearl. He killed one of them in self-defense but Juana tells him that does not matter. He will still face consequences from the townspeople once the body is found in the morning.
Family is a strong connection to life. I feel that family roles in the book The Pearl show how they can affect the main character such as, Kino with the problems that he’s going through. In the book Kino murders a man with his knife in chapter five. The loyalty with Kino and his family members is that the all support him if he make any decisions on his own. Even though, Kino wants to make his own decisions he also want support from Juana and Juan to make sure he’s doing the right actions. Juan and Kino are true family members and his loyalty to Kino are capable by helping him shield Kino from committing murder even though it’s a crime. It is appropriate for Juana to take submissive to Kino because when taking a massive problem such as, murder
I believe that is because Kino thinks that the pearl is worth a lot of money. Therefore, even if Kino had an evil feeling and bad things were happening to him, he still kept moving forward. For example, Steinbeck quotes: “Her arm was up to throw when he leaped at her and caught her arm and wrenched the pearl from her. He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side.” (Steinbeck, 59). This quote is related to my thesis statement because Kino is trying to stop Juana from throwing the pearl away in order to move
Another example of greed is shown when Juana takes the pearl from Kino to throw back into the sea. Kino realizes what she is doing and goes after her. Just as Juana is about to discard the pearl, Kino grabs her arm and wrenches the pearl from her. He punches her in the face and when she falls on the boulders, he kicks her in the side. The following quote establishes the violence that Kino unleases on his wife in order to protect his precious pearl from harm, due to his greediness of what the pearl will bring to him and his family: “…Rage surged in Kino. He leaped at Juana and wrenched the pearl from her…with clenched fists, struck her in the face…kicked her in the side…Greedy fingers went through his clothes” (58-59).
However, Kino was enraged with anger at Juana for trying to throw away his pearl. The pearl had changed him for the worse, it had become part of him he loved the pearl. Kino would do anything to make sure that nothing would happen to it, even if it meant beating up his wife in order to save his pearl.
He worked to feed his family, and protect his family from anything that could harm them. So, when Kino found the pearl, this great opportunity, he seemed to change all of his morals and traits that made him the person he was. Juana had noticed the effect that the pearl had on Kino and the whole environment that was around them, so she decided to try and get rid of it herself. When Kino saw Juana down by the water he ran out to her and throw her up against a rock and kicked her in the ribs. His actions showed that in his mind the pearl was worth more to him than Juana was.
At the beginning of the story they both felt content and happy as show in this quote “Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat, saying this is safety, this is warmth, this is the Whole.”. They did not even speak because their understanding was so great. But after Kino found the pearl his relationship steadily deteriorates as shown in this quote “"Kino," she said huskily, "I am afraid. A man can be killed. Let us throw the pearl back into the sea." "Hush," he said fiercely. "I am a man. Hush.”. That shows that as time goes by Kino is acting ruder and harshly to Juana all because of the greed the pearl caused. Another example is "This thing is evil," she cried harshly. "This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us," and her voice rose shrilly. "Throw it away, Kino. Let us break it between stones. Let us bury it and forget the place. Let us throw it back into the sea. It has brought evil. Kino, my husband, it will destroy us." And in the firelight her lips and her eyes were alive with her fear. But Kino's face was set, and his mind and his will were set” this quote shows that Juana is becoming increasingly fearful yet Kino is sure this is the way and is willing to do whatever is necessary to become wealthy. This causes a strain between their relation. Finally the worst thing Kino commits is the act of attacked Juana. He is described as a snake hissing at her and hitting her that makes her fall. He even continues to kick her after she has fallen and she accepts it and knows he may even murder her. This shows that Kino has broken all limits of humanity and is being consumed by
After fighting battles with himself, Kino began to lose his ability to control himself because he was set on his plan for his family that he once saw in the pearl. “He struck her in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders and he kicked her in the side.” (Steinbeck 59). Multiple instances have occured since Kino first got the pearl, including two attacks to steal it during the night, as well as thousands of eyes that have stared through him and looked into his soul full of secrets, making him feel scared throughout the day and night, worried that those eyes would turn into attacks on his pearl, which holds the future for his family. After Juana, Kino’s wife had enough jealous stares and greedy attacks, she took the pearl and boldly planned to throw it into the water, for it to drown with the wealth and the struggles attached to it. But, as Kino was constantly aware of everything occurring with the pearl, he didn't care whether it was his wife or a stranger, because he knew he had to attack and prevent the loss of the pearl, especially since he has such a close connection to it. “The pearl has become my soul. If I give it up, I shall lose my soul.” (Steinbeck 67). Kino cannot live without the pearl and as everyday goes by, his connection with the pearl grows stronger, and his
Oppression is a very difficult obstacle for people to overcome and conquer. In The Pearl, the town people suffer many economic and social oppressions in their lives. Kino, a townsman, lives with his wife, Juana, and his newborn son, Coyotito in Mexico. They are a very poor family who cannot afford the best materials life has to offer them. Thier friends, the town people, help encourage and support them with their everyday lives. They soon learn to adapt to the rocky lifestyle, but still struggle to rid the oppression that haunts them. Major problems Kino’s family has are they do not have money, education, and equality.
After discovering the pearl, however, Kino begins to dream of possibilities for his family, most importantly an education for his son, which was something he previously never thought of as he considered it absolutely out of reach. His dreams gradually start becoming more and more materialistic as he stares at the pearl’s surface. Consequently, he drifts apart from his culture and family customs, he escapes town and ends up killing a man, being inherently deceived by the pearl. When he returns to the village, wrecked by the death of his son, he first offers Juana the chance to throw the pearl into the sea. This indicates that he has learned to value her sense of judgement and is, in a sense, yielding to her. But she insists on Kinoo throwing the pearl into the sea instead and that shows that she remains faithful to their previous alignment of life and as always, seek and strives s to preserve
The pearl then makes Kino impatient and desperate for good luck, therefore he resorts to violence. He “strike[s] [Juana] in the face with his clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side” (Steinbeck 59). These violent outbursts of anger are unlike Kino. He has resorted to beating his wife, who he
The pearl's evil infects Kino like a ravaged disease and consumes his mind. He starts off with good intentions, but they become twisted. He wants to sell the pearl and use the money to better his family's lifestyle. He has dreams and goals that each depends on the pearl selling for a good price. Juana sensing the evil and greed coming from Kino attempts to destroy it. Kino beats her unmercifully. "He struck her in the face and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side...He hissed at her like a snake and she stared at him with wide unfrightened eyes, like a sheep before a butcher." Juana sees through the outer beauty of the pearl and knew it would destroy Kino and herself. Kino's vision from the soul becomes blurred by the possible prosperity the pearl will bring. The evil invades Kino's life as well as everyone he knows and loves.
Kino knows right from wrong, he knows being obsessive over a pearl is wrong because it puts too much at stake, majorly the whole as is referred to as the way of life in The Pearl. You may also debate that It 's the pearl’s fault for Coyotito’s death because if Kino
He imagined a better life for his family. Despite everything that went wrong, despite people telling him to throw the pearl away, Kino continued to believe in the value and importance of the pearl. Early on Juana tried to convince Kino to get rid of the pearl, “‘This pearl is a sin! It will destroy us,’ and her voice rose shrilly ‘ throw it away.’”(John Steinbeck 38). Kino would have ordinarily taken into consideration his wife’s concerns and this was out of character. While under the spell of the pearl, It didn’t matter to him that Juana had his best interest in mind when she advised him to get rid of the pearl. Even after Kino was attacked, he was unwavering in his conviction in the value of the pearl, “but Kino’s face was set, and his will was set” Kino was given many chances to throw away the pearl, but yet he was stubborn and continued to believe in the pearl even though his world was falling apart and even though he could lose