
Greg Boyd's Letters From A Skeptic

Decent Essays

Identify the Author’s Thesis (10 points)

The author, Greg Boyd from, ‘Letters from a Skeptic’ thesis’ is to simply convert his skeptic and agnostic father to Christianity and to also answer all the questions that his father has about God and this religion. Greg promises his father that for each question that he had he would offer a response to the question. Greg feels that by giving his father the answers to all his questions that he would ultimately lead him to Christ. Development of the Thesis (30 points)
Reviewing the train of the author’s thought and major content items, demonstrate how the author tries to prove the thesis.

Greg is trying to prove to his father that Christianity is true and to ultimately lead his father into converting …show more content…

Although Greg did not have the answers to all of his father’s questions, he still gave his opinion about why he believed in Christianity and gave great advice about why his father should also have faith. I also liked that fact that Greg was very patient with his father in the quest of making him become a believer. Converting someone to become a Christian is very hard these days, which is why I am grateful that I was raised up as a Christian. Being an adult now I do not have to face the questions about whether I believe in the Christian faith or not. The fact that my parents raised me to be a Christian left me with no doubt about the beliefs in knowing that there is a God. I am less skeptical about whether there is a God or not. After reading this book, I now understand that God knows the exact order of how he wants his plan for creation to be successful. The information provided about God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and Christian Doctrine, were very beneficial. I have already recommended two of my friends to read this book. “Letters from a Skeptic” is a great source of information for someone who has many doubts about the Christian

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