
Grey Treefrogs

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According to Dr. James Krupa of The University of Kentucky “evolution is the foundation upon which all biology rests.” In biology, evolution is the genetic change in characteristics over generations and is dependent on the process of natural selection. ‘The theory of evolution is based on the idea that all species are related and gradually change over time’ (Genome Campus, 2017). Genetic variation is vital to evolution as it affects the physical characteristics or phenotypes of morphology. Natural Selection is affected by environmental factors that act upon a population and result in the mutation of organism through offspring. These mutations enable individuals to adapt to their environments in order to survive, find food, avoid predators and …show more content…

Charles Darwin originally produced a theory after monitoring Finches on the Galapagos Island that ‘individuals that are poorly adapted to their environment are less likely to survive and reproduce. This means that their genes are less likely to be passed to the next generation. Given enough time, a species will gradually evolve’ (BBC, 2014). For example, ‘Grey Treefrogs (Hyla Versicolor) and Green Treefrogs (Hyla Cinerea) in the Southern United States seem to be ecologically equivalent. While Grey Treefrogs and Green Treefrogs seem to occupy the same habitat, when we look closer we can see that through their ranges overlap, Grey Treefrogs live farther north than Green Treefrogs. We can also see the Grey Treefrogs prefer wooded areas with temporary pools, while Green Treefrogs prefer more open wetland areas with cattails and other aquatic vegetation. On a tree in a wooden area, the Grey Treefrog is much harder to detect. In a wetland, the situation is reserved’ (Michigan State University, …show more content…

Fossilization is the process where bones evolve into fossils and preserve in different environments that help to sustain ossein. Some environments include permafrost, amber, peat, dry air, or within sedimentary rocks. There are several different ways that fossils can be classified; this includes original, replacement, carbon film, and indirect fossils. ‘Original fossils for when part of the organism is preserved, with chemical composition being about the same as it was when it was living’ (Pearson Science, 2018). ‘A replacement fossil forms when a part of the organism is chemically changed into another mineral. Replacement fossils commonly form when the calcium carbonate found in shells and bony skeletons turn into another mineral such as silica, also called silicon dioxide’ (Pearson Science,

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